public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ghis

This month

May 2024

Duc: Dude, where are my bytes!

Duc is a collection of tools for indexing, inspecting and visualizing disk usage. Duc maintains a database of accumulated sizes of directories of the file system, and allows you to query this database with some tools, or create fancy graphs showing you where your bytes are.

A guide to home row mods

Implement home-row mod with KMonad

kmonad/kmonad-contrib: A repository of community configurations, as well as other bits and bobs

This repository lists user-contributed configurations, as well as other odds and ends for the kmonad keyboard configuration utility. If you're looking for the main repository, look over there and not here!

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

December 2023

October 2023

WSL2 File System Goes Into Read Only Mode Without Warning · Issue #8340 · microsoft/WSL

Shutdown WSL In powershell as administrator, run: Write-Output ".PhysicalDrive$((Mount-VHD -Path ./ext4.vhdx -PassThru | Get-Disk).Number)" Then attach without mounting in another WSL distro, e.g.: wsl -d Ubuntu-22.04 --mount .PhysicalDrive1 --bare Launch this distro: wsl -d Ubuntu-22.04 Find the block device using command `lsblk` (e.g. /dev/sdb) Run e2fsck: `sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdb` Detach the file from WSL: `wsl --unmount .PhysicalDrive1` Detach the VHD file from Windows: `Dismount-VHD -Path ./ext4.vhdx` or from Disk Management GUI If at any point, there are some errors, try stopping Hyper-V service from Hyper-V Manager GUI, then launching Hyper-V Management Service from Windows Services GUI.

September 2023

August 2023

June 2023

ghis's TAGS


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