public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fredbird with tags xhtml & type:article

January 2006

The future of HTML, Part 2: XHTML 2.0

In this article, I'll examine the work of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in creating the next-generation version of their XHTML specification, and also their response to the demand for "rich client" behavior exemplified by Ajax applications.

June 2005

Annotating images with CSS

by 10 others
some techniques to display annotations on images using only xhtml and css. - Métadonnées et Dublin Core

by 6 others
Les métadonnées du Dublin Core permettent de donner des informations à propos de pages Web. Dans cet article, nous voyons la forme de ces descriptions, ainsi que la façon de les intégrer dans des pages Web.

May 2005

[uZine 3] Le HTML dans le potage

by 5 others
Commençons par un constat : un petit tour sur le site Cool Homepages, qui sélectionne depuis des années des sites selon la beauté et l’originalité de leur graphisme et/ou de leur navigation (cela étant évidemment subjectif), devrait terrifier les amateurs de standards ouverts : quasiment tous les sites sélectionnés sont désormais réalisés en Flash

More About Custom DTDs: A List Apart

by 1 other
why making a custom DTD for the sole purpose of validation is a mistake, and in which cases it does make sense to create and use one. For these cases, this article will also present techniques for creating clean custom DTDs and avoiding hacks.

March 2005

Creating accessible bar charts - Standards-schmandards

by 4 others
In this short article we'll have a look at why image based charts are bad and what you can do about it. Bar charts are used to give the user a visual overview of how values for something relate to each other. It also enables users to make their own comparisons of data items.

January 2005