public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fredbird with tag tech

February 2007

Robots animaux - Le blog - Aïe ! tech

Le robot homo sapiens, je n’y crois pas trop. Disons pour les 20 ans à venir. Quel job pour un bipède maladroit et bête comme ses pieds, qui en plus nous ressemblerait ? En revanche, une mule qui aurait les qualités d’une mule, pourrait trouver un emploi, ne serait-ce que dans les armées.

October 2006

by 1 other
Bienvenue sur quizzGeek, le jeu de questions pour les geeks. Actuellement en phase de développement, ce projet a pour but l'élaboration collective d'un ensemble de questions à choix multiples autour de la sous-culture geek, ainsi que de permettre de jouer en ligne à partir de ces questions. Les utilisateurs inscrits (inscription ouverte) peuvent ajouter de nouvelles questions, les editer et choisir la licence de leur contenu, parmi les licences Creative Commons proposées. Vous trouverez sur le blog les dernières actualités du site et de son développement.

January 2006

November 2005 - design patterns

Difficile d'ignorer les design patterns lorsque l'on est développeur Java. Pour apprendre rapidement à utiliser ces drôles de bestioles, laissez-vous guider par ce manuel, récompensé par le « Jolt Award » 2005 de l'excellence, tous livres de développement confondus. Jeux, histoires, énigmes et exercices seront vos guides sur la piste des design patterns ; une approche certes inhabituelle, mais néanmoins très efficace puisqu'elle est basée sur les dernières recherches en sciences cognitives.

October 2005

DMZ (Zone démilitarisée)

Les sytèmes pare-feu (firewall) permettent de définir des règles d'accès entre deux réseaux. Néanmoins, dans la pratique, les entreprises ont généralement plusieurs sous-réseaux avec des politiques de sécurité différentes. C'est la raison pour laquelle il est nécessaire de mettre en place des architectures de systèmes pare-feux permettant d'isoler les différents réseaux de l'entreprise : on parle ainsi de « cloisonnement des réseaux »

TCP/IP et la sécurité

La sécurité des hôtes sur un réseau, et donc sur le Net, est un vaste problème. L'objectif de ce document n'est certes pas d'être une référence à l'usage des spécialistes, mais plutôt un exposé des connaissances de base qui permettent d'entrevoir les dangers encourus par un utilisateur tel qu'un internaute câblé ou "ADSLisé".

Fiches de l'AWT

Fiches techniques, juridiques et methodologiques de l'Agence Wallone de Télécommunication

September 2005

Optimisation php - optimiser php

by 7 others
PHP est un langage de programmation interprété, c'est à dire que le fichier texte contenant le code PHP est analysé puis traité directement (pas de code compilé). Nous allons voir comment optimiser PHP pour tirer le maximum de performances.

August 2005


by 4 others (via)
Jolis formulaires

July 2005

Strategies for CSS Switching

by 3 others
we will explore different techniques for democratizing our design through the use of style sheet switching. By applying a different CSS file to a markup document, we can drastically change any or all aspects of its design—the layout, typography, or color palette. This technique may hold incredible appeal to designers because it exponentially decreases the amount of overhead required to redesign a site. But, as you’ll see, this technique can wield incredible benefits to our site’s users, allowing them fine-grained control over a page’s presentation and, in turn, better access to the content therein.

Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

by 1 other
These pages are a brief overview of each of the patterns in P of EAA. They aren't intended to stand alone, but merely as a quick aide-memoire for those familiar with them, and a handy link if you want to refer to one online. In the future I may add some post-publication comments into the material here, but we'll see how that works out.

Content with Style: Database-driven tree structures with XML and XSLT

by 1 other
This article deals with the display of tree-structures that are driven by a database. There are actually a few approaches to transform a 2-dimensional structure into a tree, and it seems odd that most are unknown to many developers.

Complex Dynamic Lists: Your Order Please: A List Apart

by 5 others
In our struggle to reduce the number of steps site visitors must take to accomplish their goals, we face a number of challenges. One of them is to provide a good way for users to choose from a list of hierarchical elements. For example, a list that serves as a diner menu, offering a selection of drinks, main dishes, salads, and desserts.

Tags, keywords, and inconsistency

Here's an interesting fact upon which I'll base the rest of my argument: people are horribly inconsistent when assigning keywords to documents. If you give two people the same document and ask them to assign a set of keywords to describe it, then the sets of keywords that they assign will agree only about 20% of the time. This was one of the problems that lead to the development of full text indexing systems. If we couldn't choose a few keywords from a document, we would use every word in the document as a keyword!

Untangle URIs, URLs, and URNs

by 2 others (via)
In information management, persistence and availability are in constant tension. This tension has led to separate technologies for Uniform Resource Names (URNs) and Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). Meanwhile, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) are designed to serve as both persistent names and available locations. This article explains how to use the current URI standards with XML technologies, gives a history of URNs and URLs, and provides a perspective on the tension between persistence and availability.

Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

by 27 others (via)
AJAX (asynchronous javascript and xml) has been getting a lot of press lately. It is seen as a way to add desktop-application functionality to html pages. Things like Drag and drop, Fluid animations and Dynamic page updates. It's great to see public uptake of these technologies - but it worries me to see the influx of <SCRIPT> tags and onclick attributes into webpages.

Rats in the security world

We have been well conditioned to recognize and delete the endless stream of spam, phishing attempts, Nigerian scams, and virus attacks we get every day in our inboxes. We have been so far behind for so long in the battle with computer security that we have almost forgotten some of the most basic insecurities that we put up with day after day.

Database optimization

by 5 others
Database management systems implement abstract concepts but do so on real hardware bound by real physical constraints. As a result, queries take time—sometimes an annoyingly long time. Find out how to minimize your wait in this sample chapter.

RSS Tutorial for Content Publishers and Webmasters

This tutorial explains the features and benefits of a Web format called RSS, and gives a brief technical overview of it. The reader is assumed to have some familiarity with XML and other Web technologies. It is not meant to be exhaustive; for more information, see the 'More Information about RSS' section.

June 2005

Setting up PHP5 in parallel with PHP4 in SuSE 9.2

SuSE 9.2 ships with Apache2 and PHP4. In order to install PHP5 some extra work is therefore required. This Mini-HOWTO explains how to setup PHP5 in parallel with PHP4 and also how to easily switch between PHP4 and PHP5 on the same server using Apache2 and also how to maintain different ini-files for PHP4 and PHP5.

Annotating images with CSS

by 10 others
some techniques to display annotations on images using only xhtml and css.