public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fastclemmy with tags web & css

September 2006

CSS News : CSS Web standard et l'accessibilité xhtml css

Regroupement d'informations sur le CSS, le Web standard, et l'accessibilité.

February 2006

Variable fixed width layout | clagnut/blog

There’s an different approach to web page layout which is gradually getting some traction. The idea is that the layout is changed to best accommodate the window size. As you might expect, it is accomplished by using JavaScript to change the CSS of the webpage. Here are some examples:

October 2005

June 2005

Web-dev bookmarks

by 37 others
Quelques bookmarks XHTML/CSS, pas tous neufs, mais de quoi occuper vos temps libres.

April 2005 - Designline - A Design Timeline

by 3 others
I have often wondered what it would be like to see a web site design progress from start to finish, with each tweak and change being shown as it progresses—a design timeline, if you will.

<select> Something New Part 1

by 12 others
We all know the <select> is just plain ugly. In fact, many try to limit its use to avoid its classic web circa 1994 inset borders. We should not avoid using the <select> though—it is an important part of the current form toolset; we should embrace it. That said, some creative thinking can improve it.

March 2005