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Acne Myths

by 1 other
Recently, many medical researches have been revealed and clarified what we believed focusing on acne conditions. However, some of the myths still considered as unclear and continue persisting among the health conscious throughout the world. Here are so...

would it be possible to build a metal toy car, that has a magnet tied in front of it which pulls it?

pimpy asked: like the donkey with the carrot tied in front of it :).. i’m curious |o o|-D … so this is the blue print of the car :)) i amuse myself…

Antioxidant - What Makes Acai Berry Become World’s Healthiest Food

by 2 others
In case you are still new with this South American-based fruit, you will definitely be surprised by the fact that this, acai berry, has properties of which yet to be discovered in any other natural foods. Isn’t that sounds great? The fruit contai...

What is the easiest free way to create a partition that I will be able to restore my computer+software from?

marchasnone asked: I constantly reformat my computer. However, it is a hassle to reinstall the same software over and over. I have enough HD space to spare if I could backup my main partition in a “fresh” format, so that later I may simp...

volunteer doctor used "Global Link Language Translator. Any one know a download link. I have a valid key

MINDDOCTOR asked: Volunteer medical doctor working in refugee camps since 1971 located in war zones used “Global Link Language Translator”. My last two years has been in Iraq with 45C heat my CD’s were warped. Any one know where yo...

Who are the big and small business's that will have their tax raised and how will it affect the middle class?

canam asked: Can you add to this list? Your electric co., your home heating co., your insurance carriers for home, life and car insurance, your grocery store, your department stores, your gas station, your pharmacy, drug companies, your favorite resta...

Choosing Healthy Diet Food Consistantly

The number one key factor in the success of a new diet is whether or not you can keep the diet consistent. You may find plenty of diets that help you lose weight, but you are going to fail 100% of the time that you cannot sustain your diet. Your succe...

Japanese magazines! Where can i get them?

Lil asked: I want to order from the net to get delivered to the UK, do you have any websites u can give me? please!

recipes for liquid only diets?

Meiran asked: my doctor says liquids only for health reasons. know of any decent recipes for me?

how do i look at someones hidden music history on there myspace profile?

aniciuhhbby asked: like if someone has there song hidden on myspace is there a way to view there song history if you do somthing on the top of the search bar? how ppl do to view friends?

How do I break into the mental health field?

Katie K asked: I am a 22 year old college grad with a BS in psychology and a concentration in criminal justice. I really want to pursue a career in counseling, but I know I have to go to graduate school first. In the mean time, I’d like to get...

Dale Earnhardt sr collectible hat?

James B asked: how much is Dale Earnhardt sr collectible hat could sell for on ebay?

How does auto insurance coverage work for a small business?

CoffeeDrinker asked: I am the only employee of my small business (a C Corp). If I lease a car through the business, rather than personally, how does insurance change? Will coverage be more expensive? What if the car is only used 50% of the time for...

How can I watch online movies with my wii internet browser?

sokoto asked: Please give me links to websites in which you can watch online movies for free and the movies must be compatible with the wii internet/opera browser. I only want links for the answers.


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