public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dzc with tag php

September 2009

August 2009

Create a video preview as animated GIF with FFmpeg and PHP SPL

create the video preview, we need PHP >= 5.1 with the Imagick extension and FFmpeg. FFmpeg supports most of the existing video formats, has a command line interface, and is available under the LGPL license.

Utiliser les templates avec Eclipse et PHP - Clochix

Utiliser les templates avec Eclipse et PHP

Ultimate Cheat Sheet Colllection -

collection d'aide-mémoires sur beaucoup de sujet lié à la conception Web

The PHP Benchmark

by 8 others
Using the &-ref-operator and foreach() vs. for vs. while(list() = each())

Référencement Twitter : liens dofollow sur Twitter

by 1 other
personnalisation de la signatures des Tweed via un script php de publication

July 2009


by 3 others (via)
PHP5 application framework that follows the MVC

June 2009