public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dzc with tag design





CSS Flexbox : related articles, tips and resources

by 1 other
Curated collection of CSS Flexbox related articles, tips and resources

2014 - Quick and simple image placeholders

by 1 other
Just put your image size after our URL and you'll get a placeholder.

Color tool - Coloreminder

by 1 other
color tool that displays many colors informations (hexadecimal value, rgb value, hsl, invert...) and differents variations like : lightness , saturation , hue of a color. You can create color palettes easily and get css code to embed to your website stylesheet.


Pure css framework (Yahoo)

by 1 other
A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.

Webflow - Design Responsive Websites Visually

by 2 others
Design Responsive Websites Visually Build using our powerful and intuitive UI. Export production-ready HTML & CSS