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PUBLIC MARKS from digital

May 2009

Artic Whites

by 3 others
Get the smile you’ve always wanted Highest quality 36% peroxide bleach Whitening of up to 7 shapes or more Same results delivered by dentists Easy at-home kit to use it anytime All natural 100% safe and effective Please Read Note from the vendo...

i am 21 and have three kids how can i still look good? hair, nails,clothes i want to look cool i am young ?

by 1 other
crazybitch asked: i am 5foot 4in. amd i weight about 160lbs and i love to be comvoratble

A question for beautiful women. What do you think about the following statment done by Michelle Pfeiffer?

robb10036 asked: Michelle Pfeiffer made this recent statment at the Allure Magazine (march 2007 issue). “Beautiful Women Tend To Get Used” Do you agree or disagree with her ?

Home Garden : Part 1 - Raised Beds

cutlerylover asked: This is a video about a vegetable garden I am putting together…Just filming it in different steps…

April 2009

How Monavie Related to Acai berry?

Once you start doing some research concentrating on terms of acai berry, it is possible that the name "Monavie" might pop up in the researched articles more than two or three times. In brief, Monavie is the brand of beverage made of acai berr...

Power Color Cleans Trial

by 4 others
- Breakup and remove toxins in your body. - Raise your energy level. - Decrease gas and bloating - Flatten your stomach - Look and feel better

any good poetry books that are dark?

Woxe asked: i want to read a poetry book since i have free time after the AP tests are over. i wanna read one that has like nice wording and elegance but at the same time has a darkness to it. not emotional poetry but somewhat of it. i don’t wan...

What is Acai Berry?

by 4 others
The spread of acai berry might be one of the most remarkable events for health-science sector in many parts of the world. Considered as ‘fruit of life’, along with advertising wave and extreme marketing strategy, acai berry existence has turned int...

How to get business permit n Ph for small type of agricultural business? & What is the necessary requirments?

Cholocoy asked: I’m planning to put up a small business which is pertain to BUY & SALE of agricultural products such as COPRA, VEGETABLES & SEAFOODS products.

How to Return Microsoft Word 2007 to Default Settings?

Faith asked: I don’t know if I messed up the settings. Also, I don’t know how to set the program back to the default settings. I believe I messed up the settings because I am unable to print the complete return address on envelopes....

Where Can I Find Free Music Without Fees or Downloads?

Lead Foot asked: Okay, I want to get free music but I want it to be free, that means i pay absolutely nothing for it no credit cards no nothing, and i don’t want to have to download anything to my computer. So do u guys no of any sites that woul...

MADE IN AMERICA - will the Food & Drug Adm. do a better job now?

Heidi 4 asked: No one stopped the dangerous toys, vegetables, fish, building materials or other things which have endangered the lives and actually killed or maimed our citizens who believe our Government was watching out for us. I’m all for sto...

Why is everyone on antidepressants?

mck asked: “A recent national survey published by the New England Journal of Medicine found that of 13,500 college students surveyed, almost 45 percent reported being so depressed that they had difficulty functioning, and 94 percent reported fee...

March 2009

Healthy Diets Make Healthy People

It seems every time we turn around there’s a new diet showing up that’s going to make us skinny like those models we see on TV. Trouble is too skinny is no more healthy than weighing too much. Healthy diets make healthy people and these 6 ...

Dirty Little Secret - Universal Healthcare? Social Security?

DavidThePatriot asked: All of the other Nations with universal health care systems are not on the verge of Bankruptcy. We are… In fact we owe them money because our own Federal reserve can’t even print enough money for this government to...

DC or Marvel Comics and why?

A Modern Myth asked: Im going with DC

How can I lose 50 pounds by august of 09 without using diet pills?

still standing; asked: I’m sixteen, 5′3, and I weigh 185 pounds. Very overweight. I want to lose 50 pounds, and drop a few pant sizes by the time I’ll be clothes shopping for next school year. How can I achieve this without diet pill...

Does anyone know of any comics, satires or interesting bits of history about the Brooklyn Bridge?

ChaChaChingThing asked: I’m writing a paper and i like to counterpoint seriuosness with comics if there are any about the subject. Thankyou! I would really like a visual, preferably one that shows a distinct interpretation of the events, like a...

What are some fun theater games for kids?

lilnado13 asked: I am a counselor at a local theater camp and i need some ideas for theater games. I need something fun and simple a lot of kids can play.

Why does the public have such negative opinions about pharmaceuticals despite the health they promote?

nmcollegestudent asked: I’ve seen it most of my life. I grew up in pharmacies with my father-a PharmD. A lot more people take ‘psychiatric’ and other assorted pills than one would think. Yet, it is all taboo in day-to-day conversa...

What are some really great intellectual comics?

Aaron asked: I really appreciate Calvin & Hobbes and The Far Side. And I like the webcomics XKCD and Men in Hats. Any other sorta nerdy/philosophical comics?

What is the best way to begin to self-publish a poetry book?

youzagood asked: I have a collection of over 20 pages worth of poetry and I want to self-publish it, but I have no idea how to get started. I want specific things done with the book, such as 100% recycled paper for the book and certain images on certa...

February 2009

How do I get ads on my movie website. Moving movie ads, not just google adsense?

nothing7921 asked: My website reviews horror and scifi films. Id love to have horror themed animated ads on my site. HOW?

Where can I donate toys to kids for Christmas in the Gaithersburg, MD area?

tommy lampini asked: I usually donate a box of toys every Christmas to “Toys for Tots” but the merchant that usually sponsors it isn’t doing it anymore. I’ve got a boxful of my kid’s toys that they’ve outgrown and t...

I would like to know where i can watch the new movie dostana online for free with english subtitles?

aquamillenium2000 asked: I would like to know where i can watch the new movie dostana online for free with english subtitles

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