public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dieterdp

August 2007

November 2006


by 115 others, 1 comment
french newspaper under the influence of Jean-Marie Colombani.

Hotel (by Hoogerbrugge)

by 4 others
Hotel is the Hoogerbrugge’s first multiple narrative work. Using a spare visual vocabulary, and integrating the aural textures of ambient music, Hotel becomes a surreal interactive world pulsating with Freudian characters, shifting realities and altered states.

Ajaxwhois 2.0 - fast domain name search and whois

by 8 others
Type a domain name and its availability will appear instantly. You may or may not append an extension to your domain name (ex: .com). If none is specified, results are based on your 'preferred extensions' settings, as found on right hand side.


by 7 others
css-discuss is a mailing list devoted to talking about CSS and ways to use it in the real world

Songtapper - votre clavier vous aide à retrouver des titres de chansons !

by 12 others
Vous avez un air de chanson dans la tête mais vous ne parvenez pas à y associer un titre... C'est énervant ! Ne désesperez pas SongTapper est là pour vous aider ! C'est trés simple il suffit de tapoter sur la barre espace de son clavier au rythme de la mélodie et des paroles, et songtapper retrouve la chanson. Ne marche pas (encore) avec des chansons frnaçaises (il me semble)


by 23 others
Initéraire routier


by 86 others, 4 comments
De quelle kuler sera votre prochain site web ?