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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag userscript


RECHERCHE - Utiliser la recherche par facettes pour gérer un catalogue e-commerce

Apprendre à connaître la recherche par facettes pour mieux gérer un catalogue en ligne 2014-01-22 par Simon Éthier. La recherche par facettes, c’est quoi? En expérience-utilisateur, la recherche par facettes est un design pattern qui croise deux concepts, soit la recherche dans un site (site search) et la navigation par facettes, qui est une forme de navigation où l’utilisateur peut filtrer les contenus (produits, etc.) en fonction de différents critères, qui habituellement s’additionnent entre eux pour offrir des résultats de plus en plus appropriés aux critères de l’utilisateur (que sont les facettes).

GOOGLE - GUIDE - How-to for Google Greasemonkey/Userstyles authors.... | Everything Else

by 1 other
Google , que vous pouvez ou ne pouvez pas savoir , tourne trois modèles de page de cette écriture . Les deux premiers héritent beaucoup de code de l'autre , mais encore besoin de règles CSS séparées pour cibler la barre de navigation et d'autres éléments de la page , la dernière (troisième) conception exige un ciblage tout à fait différent .


The Pirate Bay Cleaner (Greasemonkey) : The Pirate Bay aux petits oignons | Korben

The Pirate Bay Cleaner est un userscript pour Chrome et Firefox (avec Greasemonkey) qui une fois installé permet de faire un peu de tunning sur le plus célèbre des sites de pirates. Première chose qu'on remarque après l'install, c'est que par défaut, on passe en HTTPS. Seconde chose, ce sont les 2 icônes qui apparaissent dans le coin en haut à droite. La première est un accès vers uTorrent Remote qui permet de se connecter à un client uTorrent à distance, et la seconde est le détail des options disponible


JSMin (Online Javascript version of this Tool) - A filter which removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files

by 1 other
JSMin is a filter which removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files. It typically reduces filesize by half, resulting in faster downloads. It also encourages a more expressive programming style because it eliminates the download cost of clean, literate self-documentation.You can automate this process with a minimizing application which you can find here and an on-line javascript version here ______ You should note that while comments are useful for maintaining the code, they are a liability itself in Javascript since they will be transmitted along with the code to each and every page load, which can create substantial bandwidth penalties and increase the load time of your page for users. This doesn't mean you shouldn't comment your code, just that once your code is "finished" you should make a backup copy with the comments, then strip out all the comments in the file which is actually sent to the user. Script Versions Tab for Greasemonkey

Adds a Versions tab to script pages on

Use Greasemonkey Scripts In Google Chrome - But, there are some limitations as well (as with Opera — which also supports some greasemonkey scripts) - Chrome does not support @exclude, @require, @resource, unsafeWindow, or any of the special GM_* APIs.

Well, here is how to run userscripts in chrome : * Add this flag to Google Chrome launcher : --enable-user-scripts - Now, create a folder in your user data directory. Name it as User Scripts. - Save your all GM scripts in this folder. - If you want to import all userscripts from Firefox — you need to do it manually. We have shown you the way to backup your Greasemonkey scripts. Just navigate to your GM script folder in Firefox data directory as describe in this post. Now, you can copy and paste every script’s file manuallyAnd, you are done! Restart the chrome — and visit any related site. It is quite possible that your favorite GM Script will do the magic. - Important fact : Chrome supports “Early Injection” – the ability to run scripts very early in the page’s lifecycle. In Firefox, userscripts run after page load. But in chrome, you can set it to run before page load. For this, you need to add an extra line in scripts meta data section : // @run-at document-start

Greasefire - Automatically find Greasemonkey scripts on - when you visit a web site, how do you know if there are better ways to view it?

by 1 other
a Firefox add-on that will tell you if there are any user scripts for the page you're visiting. When you have Greasefire and Greasemonkey installed a little monkey will show up in the bottom right corner of your Firefox status bar. If there are scripts available for the site you're viewing, the monkey's background color will change to red. And when you right click on the icon you'll see the number of available scripts. Click on that number and a window will open telling you more about those scripts.


Search for AutoPage –

scripts qui ameliorent l'usage de l'extension Autopager

Management of scripts greasemonkey - Recherche Google

management of the scripts are not so good. It's apparently impossible to rename a script....

UserScript Writing 101 – Manuel of Things to learn -

The Order of Things to Learn Look to the "Resources" section for places to learn about these. 1. HTML. Hypertext Markup Language. Not the same "language" as JavaScript. This is a markup language, meaning it's a bunch of text that is meant to represent some type of structure, in this case, a web page. 2. XML. Extensible Markup Language. In case you didn't realize, HTML itself is a type of "XML". Learning XML is important because many popular websites (YouTube, Facebook, use XML to interact with data. Since you already know HTML by this point, understanding XML should be cake. 3. CSS. Cascading Style Sheets. This is the way HTML (should be) stylized. You'll want to learn this. 4. JavaScript. Learn all the basics: data types, functions, JavaScript's native functions like prompt, alert, etc. 5. The Greasemonkey Extras. Like I said, Greasmonkey == JavaScript, with a lot of extras. A specific page listing the API's can be found here.

Flickr Gallery Plus! for Greasemonkey

Flickr Gallery Plus! is a Greasemonkey userscript for Flickr photo set pages which offers you the ability to: * View one large picture with the other thumbnails in the set next to it. * Click-selection of whichever picture you want to see larger. * Keyboard navigation with left and right arrow keys to go back and forth amongst pictures. * View a slideshow of all pictures in the set. It is tested and verified to work with Firefox, Safari (through GreaseKit), Google Chrome (through HOW TO: Install Google Chrome Greasemonkey Scripts (Windows Only)) and Opera (through Opera Tutorial: User JavaScript).

Forum Deblocker - Greasemonkey

The "Forum Deblocker" userscript simulates the Googlebot so you may see the forum pages as google sees them

Google Fx v2.1.9 for Greasemonkey - firefox et opera

AutoPaging + Site ThumbShots + Google Suggest (multi-lang) + Easy Filters + Right Panel Feature + Images Redirect & Preview + Searchers + Static TopBar + NoAds + Nice Look&Feel + User's Settings + MultiLanguage & more... [Opera & Firefox] Version: 2.1.9

EasyCheckboxes - Greasemonkey

Provides a very simple and useful method of checking, unchecking and toggling multiple checkboxes on a page. It provides two methods of selecting checkboxes - a menu showing multiple options, or dragging the mouse over the checkboxes you want to select.

Google Calendar - Colorize Weekends (Mon-Sun) |

This style colorize Saturdays and Sundays on Google Calendar. Use Google Calendar - Colorize Weekends (Sun-Sat) if week start on Sunday. (This is fix version of Google Calendar - colorize Sat/Sun (start on Mon))

CustomizeGoogle - Remove Filtered |

When the "filter" option is used in CustomizeGoogle (a wonderful extension, by the way), the filtered results are replaced with a line of text alerting you that a result has been removed. Originally inspired by Google Search Results Filter, the purpose of this style is to ENTIRELY remove ALL filtered search results; if I intended to filter a specific site, I don't necessarily want to a giant hole in the layout of search results. This style takes care of that, removing any trace, all without breaking the layout of the page. Also, you do not have to update your "list", as there is no "list," as there is in Google Search Results Filter. This style works for both sites CustomizeGoogle filters: 1) Google search results and 2) Google News

Google Calendar Colorize weekend and minor change -

The week end days are in differents colors. The daily events and the events are in Trebuchet MS 12px

Google Logo Replacer |

Inspired by Thumper's Funky autoscroll, you can also change Google logo using the same trick. Changelog: l10n - now works on all local Google domains.

Google Search Fixed Topbar - Greasemonkey

Fixed Topbar – Download Google Search Tools This script shows the Google top bar (a navigation bar with links taking you to Images, News result pages for your current search) even if you scroll down to see further results. It makes it visible all the time, even when you’re scrolling. Saves you a few seconds. Fixed Topbar – Download

Multi-Column Results - Splits Google search results - Download

Multi-Column ResultsSplits Google search results into multiple columns. It’ll be incredibly useful if you’re on a wide screen monitor. Alt+1/2/3 keys can be used to switch between one, two and three column views.

Unpaginate Pagination Microformated Web Pages for Greasemonkey

This script will unpaginate any web pages augmented by the pagination microformat, into what traditionally (if somewhat incorrectly) has been called "endless" Google, Flickr, and similar, pages. In other words, a hack that loads the next page into the present one when you scroll within about half a screenful of the end, so you don't have to lose the pageful you have to load the next pageful -- it just gets inlined for you, instead. By itself, this script will do nothing at all, because it only contains the code that implements this unpagination; tailoring it to other sites is up to other, much, much smaller custom scripts anyone can write -- or indeed site authors may augment their site templates with, for the benefit of their visitors running this hack, should they want to.

TextArea Drag Resize - modifier la taille des champs de saisie - Userscripts

TextArea Drag Resize : permet de modifier la taille des champs de saisie par glisser-déplacer :Simple et efficace...

Textarea Backup - sauvegarde le contenu des champs de saisie

Textarea Backup sauvegarde le contenu des champs de saisie pour les forums et autres sites où l'on écrit. Combien de fois avez-vous perdu le contenu de ce que vous tapiez, en fermant un onglet ou une fenêtre par erreur ? Trop ? Ce script sauvegarde tout seul la frappe au clavier. Il suffit de revenir à la page en question, même sur un forum, et le texte revient à sa place.