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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag userscript


🛠 FIREFOX ADDON - ANDROID - Unified Script Injector (usi) - Install userscripts on Firefox for Android - gHacks Tech News

Unified Script Injector (usi) is a new Firefox add-on that has been designed to provide users of Firefox for Android with means to run userscripts. While Firefox desktop users have some choice when it comes to adding userscript support to their browser, Greasemonkey and the newly released Tampermonkey come to mind, none of these option appear to work on Firefox for Android. The new Firefox add-on usi changes that by adding support for a wide variety of usrescripts. The author notes on the official add-on page that the add-on supports some Greasemonkey functions but not all of them. What this means is that you may encounter userscripts that don't work yet when you install them with the help of the browser extension.

🛠 GM - Go Home - Search on Fire

After a certain amount of time the user is inactive (default is 10 minutes) this script redirects a tab to the homepage. This appears to be useful for Kiosk browsing environments – after someone leaves the computer the next person can start at the home page again.


USERSCRIPT - BYPASS - AdsBypasser: Bypass ad counter if possible.

This user script helps you to: skip countdown ads or continue pages. prevent ad pop-up windows. It CANNOT help you to solve reCAPTCHAs. Forked from RedirectionHelper written by SuYS.

USERSCRIPT - Nexto (infinite scroll) FOR Babelio - Découvrez des livres, critiques, extraits, résumés

1 comment
var implementations = [ { site: "", // regex to compare against site URL, similar to @include nextLinkSelector: ".fleche.icon-next", // css selector for the next link, tip: find the current page button and do next sibling contentSelector: ".mes_livres", // the content that will be added to from the next page javascript: false // set this to true if the website uses javascript to load content, 50% chance it'll work }, { site: "", // regex to compare against site URL, similar to @include nextLinkSelector: ".pagination .icon-next", // css selector for the next link, tip: find the current page button and do next sibling contentSelector: "#debug", // the content that will be added to from the next page javascript: false // set this to true if the website uses javascript to load content, 50% chance it'll work } } ];

USERSCRIPT (AUTOPAGER like) - Nexto - Example

This is a base for an autopager, basically loads the next page if you give it the content to load and a CSS selector to the Next link, to add a website modify the implementation array, only tested on Firefox, probably buggy but works for what I need it for, you need to add @includes and add website to the implementations array to get it to work. V1.5 works in Chrome, if you're into that sort of thing. (example) Test OK for Recherche OPAC Bibliothèque de Bobigny (2018) (link : var implementations = [ { site: "", // regex to compare against site URL, similar to @include nextLinkSelector: ".dropdown.btn.btn-default.pagi + .btn.btn-default.hidden-phone.hasTooltip", // css selector for the next link, tip: find the current page button and do next sibling contentSelector: ".tmpl-content .colctre", // the content that will be added to from the next page javascript: false // set this to true if the website uses javascript to load content, 50% chance it'll work } ];

USERSTYLES - JAVASCRIPT - Convert an Userstyle into a greasemonkey script ? -

I have an huge Style , impossible (for me) to compress more to publish here ... I want find a way to convert it , automatically if it is possible, into an greasemonkey .

VIDEO - TWEAK - For anyone who wants the progress bar always visible with the new style... : youtube

Yes, I know the new transparent style is cleaner, simpler, etc. but I LOVED having the progress bar visible while I was watching the video. I tried for a couple days to find a workaround, and it looks like I found one! You will need to have both Stylish and Tampermonkey installed. I installed these 2 Stylish styles for Youtube: Youtube Player August 2015 Youtube Controls Under Player I also installed these two userscripts on Tampermonkey: Youtube New UI Fix Youtube Progressbar Updater

CSP - BOOKMARKLET - The Resurrection of Bookmarklets

I use the @resource command to access my 56K JavaScript library file, get the contents of it, and directly insert that .JS file document text using the script object .text property instead of the .src property.


DEEZER - GREASYFORK - Deezer: Download

Deezer: Download. Download the currently playing song (or any song from the current tracklist) in any chosen format (standard, hq, etc) right to your computer for playing in any player (outside Deezer). Supports HQ even without Premium subscription. Originally developed by Dejan Tomic.

GREASEMONKEY (v.4 - webextention) - FIR 57 - Greasespot: Greasemonkey 4 For Script Authors

What? The Greasespot Wiki will be updated to explain Greasemonkey 4 in detail. Until then, here's a quick summary. First, there is only an embedded editor. Browser Extensions have no access to the file system, so you can no longer author user scripts in your familiar text editor. There is only one object provided to user scripts now, named GM. It has several properties. One of them is info – the equivalent of the old GM_info. There are also several methods of this object: getResourceUrl, deleteValue/getValue/listValues/setValue, xmlHttpRequest. To use these methods you still need @grant, and use the new name, e.g.: // @grant GM.setValue The new form has a dot, where the old form has an underscore. You may specify both @grants, if you'd like to be compatible with Greasemonkey 4 and other user script engines at the same time. As of today, there is no support for: GM_log (use console.log), GM_addStyle, GM_registerMenuCommand, nor GM_getResourceText.

USERSTYLES - Greasemonkey - Forum request 2006 - GreaseMonkey List - User scripts on

I'm the administrator of I want to start offering my styles to Greasemonkey (and similar) users. For applicable styles on, just plunk "/style.user.js" at the end of the URL. (For example, ). Not all styles on the site can be converted into user scripts. For example, those affecting chrome wouldn't work. Those styles will return a 404 if you try to open their styles. I'd like some feedback on the format I'm using. Is the code the best it can be, are there problems with meta-data, etc. Thanks.


jQuery.copyCSS: Quick, simple jQuery extension to retrieve or copy all styles (with optional whitelist and blacklist) from an HTML element.



UserScript: Quick link to Flickr Url and HTML code for images. |

This is a very basic user script that puts the url of the image you want in the image thumbnail as your browsing the site, it also adds a textarea to enable you to copy the html straight into your blog post without clicking through to the image

BOKMARKLET - jQuery UI dialog in Bookmarklet and GreaseMonkey - Stack Overflow

Thanks to some awesome answers in other threads, I learned how to: load jQuery and jQuery-UI in a bookmarklet load a CSS into a bookmarklet using jQuery create a DIV in a bookmarklet using jQuery create jQuery UI dialog (external link) and I could manage to combine all four things into a single script which works both as a BookMarklet and as a GreaseMonkey script, which is absolutely awesome.

🛠 GitHub - CDN - RawGit tool

For use on production websites with any amount of traffic. Files are served via MaxCDN's super fast global CDN. No traffic limits or throttling. It's best to use a specific tag or commit hash in the URL (not a branch). Files are cached permanently after the first request. The catch: this is a free service, so there are no uptime or support guarantees.

USERSCRIPT - @document-start Example: hijack page scripts for Greasemonkey

The implement of @run-at document-start greatly extent what userscript capable range. This snippet is one of the example show how to interfere the original script before they run, instead of stay away until the DOM is ready ( DOMContentloaded event fired ).

GM - firefox - How to alter this javascript with Greasemonkey? - Stack Overflow

On Firefox Greasemonkey, you can do that with the stupefyingly brilliant (^_^) checkForBadJavascripts utility


GM - Popup Video (Greasy Fork)

Popup online video out of the webpage

GM - DEV - Greasemonkey Tutorial for Beginners

In Greasemonkey tutorial, I have covered how to write Greasemonkey user scripts. After this tutorial,you will be able to write user-scripts for Greasemonkey. Topics covered: GreaseMonkey Installation Hello World Example Adding a Button Reading/Modifying HTML content Loading External Scripts.