public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags publicite & google


ADDON - YOUTUBE - Anti Pub - Magic Actions for YouTube™ | The Best Way to Watch YouTube Videos

One of the best ways to take advantage of all that YouTube has to offer is to enhance your video viewing experience by installing the Magic Actions for YouTube™ browser extension. To make the browser plug-in even more attractive, there are versions available for Google Chrome™, Mozilla Firefox™ and Opera™ web browser.

iRadar: Useful Free Tool: Use OpenDNS to Block Ads

Tired of online ads like I am? I have Firefox’s Adblock Plus and Safari AdBlock installed on my computer, but it becomes rather annoying to keep installing these applications on my multiple machines as well as every time I format them. To make ad blocking simpler I opted to use OpenDNS to block ads on the DNS level. To make this hack work you must configure your router to use OpenDNS’s servers (trust me you will want to do this anyway – their servers are FAST!) by following the OpenDNS tutorials. Secondly you must signup for a free OpenDNS account so you can setup network filters.


OptimizeGoogle - Remplaçant de "CustomizeGoogle" adandonné ....Il fonctionne dans Firefox 3.6.

Si le module CustomizeGoogle (pour Firefox) vous manquait, prenez son remplaçant, OptimizeGoogle. On peut virer les pubs, faire une recherche sans pagination, forcer HTTPS, ajouter automatiquement des liens vers Wikipedia,WaybackMachine, anonymiser le cookie Google lors des recherches, supprimer le suivi des clics, filtrer définitivement certains résultats de recherche, etc.