public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags java & comment


JSMin (Online Javascript version of this Tool) - A filter which removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files

by 1 other
JSMin is a filter which removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files. It typically reduces filesize by half, resulting in faster downloads. It also encourages a more expressive programming style because it eliminates the download cost of clean, literate self-documentation.You can automate this process with a minimizing application which you can find here and an on-line javascript version here ______ You should note that while comments are useful for maintaining the code, they are a liability itself in Javascript since they will be transmitted along with the code to each and every page load, which can create substantial bandwidth penalties and increase the load time of your page for users. This doesn't mean you shouldn't comment your code, just that once your code is "finished" you should make a backup copy with the comments, then strip out all the comments in the file which is actually sent to the user.



How to build a Firefox extension

With a bit of programming experience : not that difficult.Firefox extension is simply Javascript - and a markup language called XUL (pronounced "zool.") To build your own, you'll need some Javascript know-how, editing XML files, and curiosity


Galeries de menus en CSS - Alsacréations

by 9 others
Galeries de menus en CSS Le 25-02-2005 par Raphael dans Page d'accueil. BlogMarker ! Des menus de toutes sortes pour vous inspirer (simples, graphiques, déroulants,...) Voici des modèles de menus de sites web réalisés en feuilles de styles CSS sans ta

cours programmation java tutoriel programmation java - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

Cours Java Par Serge Tahé (home) Cours java : bases du langage, classes & interfaces, interfaces graphiques, JDBC, Programmation TCP-IP, RMI, CORBA.

Using Platypus__extension pour voir et modifier page web

Platypus is a tool for changing a web page (such as removing an ad) and optionally creating a Greasemonkey script to make that same change then next time you visit that page. To save scripts, you need to have Greasemonkey installed. To share a Platypus