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đź“› đź›  ANONYMAT - Nitter - Application Web pour consulter Twitter sans s'y connecter

Le gros inconvénient des applications proposées par Twitter que ce soit depuis un navigateur Web en allant sur leur site ou via l’application mobile, est qu’il faut endurer pas mal de nuisances imposées par l’interface utilisateur et la politique commerciale de Twitter. Solution plus radicale, mais qui n’a pas reçu le blanc-seing de Twitter est de passer par une application Web tierce appelée Nitter. Avec Nitter, on accède à l’ensemble des tweets, mais il n’est pas possible depuis cette interface très sobre d’en publier. Il s’agit d’une application en lecture seule. En arrivant sur la page d’accueil de Nitter, on est invité à rechercher un nom d’utilisateur présent sur Twitter. Une fois que c’est fait, on accède à l’ensemble des publications et informations de cette personne : profil, nombre de followers, de following…, tweets publiés, médias (photos et vidéos) ainsi qu’un moteur de recherche pour trouver des tweets particuliers de cette personne. Il ne manque que les favoris pour que cela soit vraiment très intéressant.


LOG - TELECHARGER - YouTube-DL GUI 0.4 - New User Interface - Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog

ouTube-DL GUI is, like its name suggests, a graphical user interface for the powerful command line tool youtube-dl, available for Linux and Windows. In case you're not familiar with youtube-dl, this is a popular tool that allows downloading videos from YouTube and around 1000 other websites. YouTube-DL GUI features include: - options to select the video and audio format; - post-processing options such as: extract audio from video file, embed thumbnail in audio file, add metadata, select audio quality; - can embed subtitles into the video file (mp4 only); - configurable filename format for the downloaded audio/video file; - supports authentication; - allows using a proxy; - can specify user agent and referrer; - supports passing extra youtube-dl command line options. YouTUbe-DL GUI automatically downloads (and updates) the youtube-dl binary so you don't have to worry about having an old youtube-dl that no longer works. By default, the binary is saved under the ~/.config/youtube-dlg directory. For post-processing, the application uses FFmpeg, so you'll need this installed for some options, like merging DASH files, etc.


FotoViewr » About__Browse Flickr Photos on the web with an Highly interactive and engaging 3D interface.

FotoViewr aims to change that by providing an amazing experience for viewing photos on the Internet. You and your friends can look at your photos by clicking on page after HTML page or you can immerse yourself in a highly interactive and engaging 3D interface.

taggrid screen shot on Flickr -16000 photos automatically arranged according to these tags ___Photo Sharing!

The basic idea is to make search on Flickr more comfortable. Llamerada wanted to display as many as 16,000 photos in grid style (retrieved by Flickr’s API and based on Flickr tags)


darckr username.jpg on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Darckr ; wrote to simply build a black web page that would honour my Flickr contact's photos, and that I could use as my welcome web page in my favorite browser (firefox). I like viewing photos on a black background, so this is the default appearance of D


Flickr Organize Tools_Flickr: Flickr Hacks

Many thanks to fd for helping me passing photos from my script to his site a couple months ago. I wrote a GM script to add a menu and links of some external flickr tools to the new Flickr Gamma Organize. This is a similar one to my previous work - GM Supe

Flickr Leech _________application pour Flickr

by 32 others
Flickr Leech that allows you to browse all 500 photos in Interestingness at a time for any given day. You can also browse all photos in your stream, or any user's stream, etc. Check it out. I found a photo of mine that I just add