public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags font & tool


CSS - ONLINE TOOL - CSS font-stack

by 3 others
CSSFontStack is a simple, one-page website which lists all the web-safe fonts.Today, many websites are using web-fonts with @font-face for a more customized design. However, web-safe fonts usage is still so wide as many others prefer to make sure all fonts will be displayed cross-browser/device, not to use web-fonts services and/or minimize the total size of websites.


CSS - FONT - ONLINE TOOL - FontDropper 1000 - Play with Web Fonts

Play with Web Fonts: This is the easiest way to test or design with web fonts from WebINK. Just open FontDropper 1000 on any web page and start dropping fonts. See your changes instantly. Adjust font size, color, spacing and more


WhatTheFont! - Online Tool - MyFonts

by 2 others
Seen a font in use and want to know what it is? Submit an image to WhatTheFont to find the closest matches in our database. Or, let cloak-draped font enthusiasts lend a hand in the WhatTheFont Forum