public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag css

February 2015

Custom Buttons • Toggle Style Lite (USERSTYLES)

Toggles a single style enabled/disabled with the click of toolbar button. Ctrl + left-click or middle-click button for Options/Settings Dialog (pic 1). Settings for entering style id and keyboard shortcut. Default is (ctrl + x). Pops an alert box if id is not found. Enter an id number with an r behind it for an auto restart (pic 2). For key code: Click button"Get Key Code" (pic 1) from Settings dialog. Press a key on keyboard and popup displays the Key Code number. Cancel allows for another selection and OK inserts the number into the script. Option Use Help CSS for enabling help tab section for css entries. Option to change Enabled/Disabled state toolbarbutton icons. Change any/all text labels from Options/Settings Dialog.

January 2015

VIDEO Player - jPlayer Developer Guide : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery

jPlayer 2.9.2 Developer Guide_ If you are new to jPlayer, check out the Quick Start Guide.

RESPONSIVE DESIGN - Which responsive images solution should you use? | CSS-Tricks

There are a bunch of techniques going around for dealing with responsive images lately. That is, solutions to help us serve the right image for the occasion (e.g. size of screen and bandwidth available). They all do things a bit differently. To keep track, Christopher Schmitt and I have created this spreadsheet of techniques.

CSS - ONLINE TOOL - What’s my browser size, trouver les dimensions de la fenêtre du navigateur | Édition Nº42 | le train de 13h37

« What’s my browser size ? » est une page internet qui indique quelles sont les dimensions (hauteur et largeur) de la fenêtre de votre navigateur. Particulièrement utile dans le cadre d’intégrations responsive, ce service constitue une bonne alternative aux extensions des différents navigateurs.

November 2014

La fonction calc() en CSS - Alsacreations

calc() est une fonction CSS3 offrant la possibilité de réaliser des opérations mathématiques en CSS (addition, soustraction, division et multiplication).

September 2014

CSS3 - box-decoration-break - CSS - New in Firefox 32.0 - MDN

Specifies how the background, padding, border, border-image, box-shadow, margin and clip of an element is applied when the box for the element is fragmented. Fragmentation occurs when an inline box wraps onto multiple lines, or when a block spans more than one column inside a column layout container, or spans a page break when printed. Each piece of the rendering for the element is called a fragment.Syntax Formal syntax: slice | clone --- box-decoration-break: slice; box-decoration-break: clone; box-decoration-break: initial; box-decoration-break: inherit; box-decoration-break: unset;

August 2014

CSS ICONS - Glyphicons - Components · Bootstrap

Glyphicons - Available glyphs - Includes 200 glyphs in font format from the Glyphicon Halflings set. Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free, but their creator has made them available for Bootstrap free of cost. As a thank you, we only ask that you include a link back to Glyphicons whenever possible.

ONLINE TOOL - Flip Title

by 1 other
Online tool help to write text upside down, Upside down text generator to create flip text! Anything you write will become flipped upside down, very easy to use. Good for names, blogs, MySpace, etc.

CSS ICON - ✿ Our favorite set —

by 12 others
What is A web and iPhone application for copying the ‘hidden’ characters that comes with the computer’s typefaces, to be pasted into emails, tweets, text documents, forums and whatever else you might need to spice up with an extra ♔, ฿ or, ❒.

CSS - ARROW - Using borders to produce angled shapes

by 1 other
Bon tuto (In US) pour créer des flèches avec les borders

CSS ICON - One div - Icons in pure css - The single element HTML/CSS icon database

by 1 other
All icons displayed on the website are realised in pure css with only one html div. The challenge is also to provide an alternative to SVG. Indeed icons allow precise borders preserved even resized (As vector format). Then we can see a clear interest in responsive design.

July 2014

CSS - OVERFLOW - elippsis - html - With CSS, use "..." for overflowed block of multi-lines - Stack Overflow

The link below provides a pure HTML / CSS solution to this problem. However, it's quite involved and most likely won't work in non-modern browsers:


A group of developers working towards a client-side solution for delivering alternate image data based on device capabilities to prevent wasted bandwidth and optimize display for both screen and print.

CSS - DEMO - The Shapes of CSS : "Square" or "Magnifying Glass"

by 2 others
These Icons use only a single HTML element. Any kind of CSS goes, as long as it's supported in at least one browser.. Magnifique exmple....

CSS - Centrer en CSS - OpenClassRoom

Tous les cas solvables en pur CSS, et tant qu'à faire montrer comment les résoudre. Accrochez-vous, c'est parti !

June 2014

🛠 CSS XUL - Firefox Interface : Chrome element names and IDs - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

When editing userChrome.css, you must add CSS selectors based on the element names and IDs/classes of the XUL user interface. There is no comprehensive listing of every single possible selector to use when styling the user interface (just as it would be silly to create such a comprehensive list for a web page), but a few of the more common and interesting selectors are listed below. The best way to discover how to select an element in the user interface is to use the DOM Inspector.

CSS - flexbox : flex: initial; flex: none; flex: 1; flex: 2;

Mise en page plus fantaisiste avec flexbox. flex: initial;flex: none;flex: 1; flex: 2;

CSS - box-sizing (box-sizing: border-box;)

Quand vous ajoutez la propriété box-sizing: border-box; à un élément, le padding et la bordure de cet élément n'augmentent plus sa largeur. C'est tellement mieux que certains auteurs veulent que tous les éléments de toutes leurs pages fonctionnent de la même manière. Ils ajoutent donc ce bout de CSS à leurs pages : * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } Cela force tous les éléments à être toujours dimensionnés de cette façon plus intuitive.

CSS 3D Folding Animation

Demo : Mouseover the blocks below to see the folding animation! use : transition-property: height; transition-duration: 1s; perspective: 1000px; transform-style: preserve-3d; transition-duration: 1s; transform: rotateX(-90deg); transform-origin: top;