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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag Responsive


CSS - RESPONSIVE - CALC - Imitating calc() Fallback or Fixed-Width Sidebar In Responsive Layout — Osvaldas Valutis (2013)

If you were attentive you should see that the line width: calc( 12.5em ) is the trick here. Why? Let’s see all these widths like in pairs – exactly what we need browsers to do. The first pair is width: 80% (content) and width: 16.666% (sidebar) that does the job in calc() incompatible browsers, which will just ignore calc(). It is the callback (backup). It means that the minority of website visitors will see narrower sidebar on narrower viewports. And that should be perfectly fine for people using older browser versions. The second: width: calc( 100% - 15em ) and width: calc( 12.5em ). This is for newer browser versions which will override the previous width definitions

JQUERY / CSS - EQCSS • Element Query CSS | Scoped CSS, Meta-Selectors, Element Queries

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What are Element Queries? Element queries are a new way of thinking about responsive web design where the responsive conditions apply to elements on the page instead of the width or height of the browser. Unlike CSS @media queries, @element Queries are aware of more than just the width and height of the browser, you can write responsive conditions for a number of different situations like how many characters of text or child elements an element contains. Another concept that element queries brings to CSS is the idea of ‘scoping’ your styles to one element in the same way that JavaScript functions define a new scope for the variables they contain.


RESPONSIVE DESIGN - Which responsive images solution should you use? | CSS-Tricks

There are a bunch of techniques going around for dealing with responsive images lately. That is, solutions to help us serve the right image for the occasion (e.g. size of screen and bandwidth available). They all do things a bit differently. To keep track, Christopher Schmitt and I have created this spreadsheet of techniques.



Picturefill is a JavaScript file (or a polyfill to be more specific) that enables support for the picture element and associated features in browsers that do not yet support them, so you can start using them today! Picturefill is developed and maintained by Filament Group, with help from the members of the Responsive Images Community Group and the developer community at large.

CSS ICON - One div - Icons in pure css - The single element HTML/CSS icon database

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All icons displayed on the website are realised in pure css with only one html div. The challenge is also to provide an alternative to SVG. Indeed icons allow precise borders preserved even resized (As vector format). Then we can see a clear interest in responsive design.


A group of developers working towards a client-side solution for delivering alternate image data based on device capabilities to prevent wasted bandwidth and optimize display for both screen and print.

CSS - 2013 - Adaptive Images et Responsive Web Design |

Cédric Morin étudie une solution prête à l’emploi pour résoudre le casse-tête des Adaptive Images, adaptée aux sites dynamiques (une de plus, oui). Cette solution est complexe, mais est prévue pour être complètement automatisable (comprenez industrialisable).

image - Responsive - JAVASCRIPT (PHP) - Adaptive Images in HTML

by 8 others (via)
How is it different? Adaptive-Images aims to mitigate the problems inherent with Filament Group's method. It is designed to be entirely non-destructive so that it will work with any CMS or even with existing mark-up, without a need to edit anything. It creates and manages its own resized images using your existing images as the source, and it will adapt to the same resolution brackets your site does with the CSS3 @media queries used in your Responsive Design. It can do all of this because it already has the high resolution version to work on (it's the one referenced in the mark-up).

CSS - Responsive Images: Experimenting with Context-Aware Image Sizing | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA

What is this all about? The goal of this technique is to deliver optimized, contextual image sizes for responsive layouts that utilize dramatically different image sizes at different resolutions. Ideally, this approach will allow developers to start with mobile-optimized images in their HTML and specify a larger size to be used for users with larger screen resolutions — without requesting both image sizes, and without UA sniffing.

CSS - Responsive Design - Break-points come from content

To me, it seems more realistic to check our layouts through viewports of arbitrary dimensions and shapes. We don't need anything fancy, we can simply drag the bottom right corner of our favorite desktop browser to enter... "Device Agnostic Mode".

CSS - RESPONSIVE - Flexible Foundations | Trent Walton

Responsive or not, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t all be designing and building sites on flexible foundations.


by 3 others
Responsive design bookmarklet : Viewport resizer is a browser-based tool to test any website’s responsiveness.

decembre's TAGS related to tag Responsive

Adaptative +   analyse +   blog +   bookmarklet +   browser +   calc +   chrome +   cms +   css +   css3 +   CSSjavascript +   customiser +   demo +   design +   dev +   development +   device +   dom +   em +   firefox +   flexible +   fluid +   Google:Chrome +   guide +   html +   icon +   image +   implementation +   javascript +   layout +   lenght +   madia-query +   Media Queries +   media-screen +   media:queries +   mobile +   outil +   php +   picto +   picture +   polyfill +   px +   resize +   resource +   ressource +   s +   scale +   screen +   size +   solution +   srcset +   tool +   tuto +   tutorial +   tutoriel +   viewort +   viewport +   vw +   web +   webdesign +   width +