public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dcancel with tags ajax & library

July 2006

April 2006

GreyBox demo

by 2 others
A pop-up window that doesn't suck

Dragon Labs | The Ultimate Tabbed Menu

by 11 others
The Ultimate Tabbed Menu aims to create a design and code foundation for those with web experience and is a plug and play resource for the average user. The Ultimate Tabbed Menu goes through the steps of making a tabbed menu, and provides a variety of sty

March 2006

TurboWidgets, presented by TurboAjax Group

by 5 others
TurboWidgets are JavaScript client-side controls that provide a rich user-interface experience for AJAX-style web applications. Built on top of the popular Dojo Toolkit, TurboWidgets are designed for ease-of-use and flexibility.

WICK: Web Input Completion Kit

by 4 others
This is WICK, the Web Input Completion Kit, an evolving framework that leverages web standards such as JavaScript, DOM and CSS to facilitate textual input in form UI elements assisted by local and remote data sources. This framework strives to remain unob

February 2006

January 2006