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PUBLIC MARKS from dave_beasley_64 with tag technology

July 2009

Windows 7 Pre Order Review - Windows 7 is Already Better Than Vista

by 3 others
Windows 7 Review - It's Time To Get Familiar - Will You skip Vista SP2? I've got 2 PCs running Windows 7. They are very different computers in that one is kind of five years old and one is positively cutting edge with all the latest graphics cards, for...

Strenghtening Customer Relations-Free Crm Software

by 3 others
Are you tired of the ever increasing customer complaints? Are you struggling to meet sales targets? Finding a solution to improve customer relations? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then there is a perfect solution to all your management a...

Stock Outs Eliminated with Ultriva Electronic Kanban

by 3 others
Ultriva enables manufacturing companies to become customer centered by leaning their business from distribution all the way to their global supply chain.  Elimination of stock outs, reduction in lead times, increases in inventory turns, productivity i...

Dynamics GP ecommerce programming: eConnect, Dexterity, SQL Scripts

by 3 others
If you already have Microsoft Dynamics GP, formerly known as Great Plains Dynamics, implemented in your company, and you also have established and in-house supported ecommerce application, it is natural next step to automate integration.  Typically au...

Do You Actually Need Registry Cleaners?

by 2 others
Many computer owners do not know what a registry is. The Windows registry is a database of all the settings for your operating system: info and settings for a computer hardware, operating system software, and all other settings are stored in the regist...

Dynamics GP Partner San Diego, Chicago Newsflash: Version Upgrade Checklist

by 3 others
Microsoft Dynamics GP, formerly known as Great Plains Dynamics and eEnterprise, could be purchased and supported via Dynamics GP Partners channel.  The specific of partner channel service dictates the rule of having Dynamics GP VAR of record at any pa...

Ecommerce Dynamics GP or Great Plains Solution Notes

by 3 others
There is no needs to reinvent the wheel or bicycle, in the sense that ecommerce web front out-of-the-box applications exists and you could easy to deploy Shopping Cart, Online Catalog, Credit Card Payments, Inventory Stock Status lookup.  We should b...

June 2009

Dexterity: Dynamics GP Software Development Factory Notes

by 3 others
Microsoft Dexterity, formerly known as Great Plains Dexterity is GP programming and software developing tool, which was initially designed to be Dynamics architecture framework back in earlier 1990th.  Being semi proprietary, Dexterity requires relati...

WinPC Defender Removal - How to Remove WinPC Defender in Minutes!

by 1 other
Yet another rogue anti-spyware program to join the bandwagon is here. Known as WinPC Defender, this latest malware can attack your PC and spell danger for you. if you already have it installed on your computer, you are in serious trouble. WinPC Defende...

Use Attractive WordPress Templates To Entice Customers

by 4 others
The specialty of this unique software is that it is ideally suited for both beginners as well as advanced users. •   It is flexible and adaptable.•   WordPress supports advanced multimedia and has an in built rich text editor. •   This user...

Top Registry Cleaners: Which Ones Are Best?

by 2 others
Here is a common scenario: you come in to work on your old reliable PC, and one day the thing just starts running slow.  You can't browse web sites very fast, it takes forever for documents to load and you start getting strange error messages that you...

Dynamics GP Barcode and Warehouse Management Solutions Notes

by 2 others
Companies, involved in consignment, warehouse and supply chain management, often have unique business processes and special requirements to their ERP and MRP systems.  In these scenarios, it is easier to redeploy and retune existing codes to fit uniqu...

May 2009

Colon Hydrotherapy Cleansing for Dummies

by 4 others
Colon Hydrotherapy Cleansing for Dummies Can the unhealthiest guy in the world fast on water for 40 hours AND get his colon cleansed? Can he start a new healthy life? watch and SEE. From: depressingprospects Views: 441478 313 ratings Time: 20:27 More ...

April 2009

How To Select The Right Computer Backup Software

In the technology world, a backup defines making copies of data so original copies of the data can be restored in an event of a loss. Computer data backup is necessary to ensure having a save backup in case of an incident with a users hard drive or a s...

March 2009

Customising Column Widths in Excel 2007

by 2 others
Microsoft Excel offers us a number of different ways of changing the width of columns and the height of rows. The width of columns is expressed as the number of characters the cell can hold. By default, Excel gives each column a width of just over eigh...

February 2009

Review for the Sanyo SA 5000KU Massage Chair Recliner

This review covers the SA 5000 massage chair by Sanyo. We will evaluate the features, options and warranty of this mid range chair. There are many chairs on the market and many from small factories in China at very low prices. It is important to fin...

Dating Service Online

by Jimmy Johnson Are you looking for interesting, potentially romantic interludes? Well who isn't? People in stable loving relationships aren't looking of course but apart from those who isn't? People in a vegetative state that's who. Ok, you've got me with that one but everyone else is right? So for all these date hungry folks you have to say thank the Lord for the Internet and online dating. The happy hunting ground for mister or miss right is now global. You no longer have to get involved in all that late night hotspot embarrassment. Those places were never a fertile ground for relationships of note anyway, being the haunt of self-absorbed 'party people' or undergrads under the influence. When I first heard the words, dating service online, I was befuddled. This concept would bomb for sure. Okay, so I was wrong. My best friend who was single at the time was a big computer geek, and anxious to try it out. He found it to be a rather fun and interesting experience. Within a week, he had a date with someone who shared his interests. That's not bad. My friend uses an online dating service that specializes in gay introductions he is yet to find the other gay taxidermist in the world. He has had a large number of dates that ranged from very enjoyable to very amusing to talk about the next day. The point being that you can be very specific about the kind of date you will consider. These online dating services make it easy for you to begin to look for a partner who may turn out to be your one and only for life. A happy marriage is most peoples dream and online can you meet people you may never come into contact with in your everyday life. On line dating services give you the time and space to search in privacy for that person who is right for you and who you already know will have the ideas and qualities you want in a mate. Stop going down lots of false paths using up time and money meeting those who are strangers to you. It's time to increase your chances of meeting that special someone with a dating service online. Get to know someone before actually taking the time to meet them. That's the wonderful aspect of the Internet. You can chat until your heart's content, and if you don't wish to meet someone in person, you don't have to. It's a rather relaxing notion. If you're looking for a date, but want to get to know a little more before meeting in person, jump on the Internet and try a dating service online today. It's a modern world out there. Take advantage of its benefits. About the Author: Jimmy Johnson is an accomplished niche website developer and author. For more about love by birth date visit Anonymous Dating for informative articles and discussions. Post from: Technology Articles

Wii Game Download Services

by 1 other
Wouldn't it be nice to have access to all of your favourite Wii games from your home PC? Guess what? You can. There is now a way to obtain your wii games that is considerably less expensive, quicker and risk free. Read on to find out more.

Choosing The Best Xbox 360 Bundle

People who are going out to buy and XBOX 360 right now will have a few choices to make about the system that they want. There are a few different packages which come with certain features and game packages that you can choose from.

Advice About iMat Protection for Your iPhone

After a few months, is your iPhone starting to lose its attractive sleek apperance? Are you worried about getting it out in public because of the stares you might get? I know none of us mean to scratch our phones, but we can't help it. When you leave i...

Find Out Best Video Editing Software

by 2 others
Cheap Video Edit Software The drag-and-drop user interface comes through easy to capture video footage, and put together a video instant and quick. Add pro scene transitions, some background music, and a few title effects, and you are ready to present ...

How to Get Massive Traffic to Your Site with Online Video

Your website cannot operate without traffic because that traffic is the very people who spend their money on your website. This is why it is important for you to know how to convince individuals on the Internet that they have to visit your website. One...

How Switching To A Mac Can Save You Countless Productive Hours

Whether you are an expert computer user or not, you have probably been burned by your computer in the past. For some a computer virus could have wiped out your hard drive, or completely taken control of your web browser. For others, you might have been...

Livescribe Pen - What You Never Know About Note Taking

No matter what field you are in, or what kind of classes you are taking, you can bet that at least some of your academic success is going come from your ability to take notes! Taking good notes will enable you to review the material completely and the ...

How to Foil the Trojan Vundo

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A few days ago my PC suffered an attack that threatended to escalate. My PC became compromised just before Christmas. I wondered whether my passwords and credit card details would be stolen. Fortunately I found a fix for the problem.