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PUBLIC MARKS from dave_beasley_64 with tags hunting & "fishing gear"

July 2009

UK Carp Fishing Tackle - A Collection of Words

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Carp Fishing Tackle UK Carp fishing tackle may be specially made. Here’s a brief glossary of some important terms related to carp fishing equipment and carp fishing gear. Words Which Refer to the Carp Species Barbels: The 2 organs situated on ...

Texsport Jumbo Camping Cot Not Recommended

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It’s true that this camping sleeping cot has a water resistant and tough canvas and a tough frame that will support up to 300 pounds. Set up is not easy and you might need help from someone else to do so. You can safely throw away the instruct...

How to Reduce Your Backpacking Pack Weight

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Hiking with a light backpack is steadily increasing in popularity over the years. Lightweight weight hiking is much more comfortable and it puts less weight on your knees, neck, shoulders, and back muscles, hence reducing the risk of injury. It&#8217...

June 2009

Flyfishing Tips Made Easy

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FlyFishing Tips, Here are some of the best flyfishing tips available from my flyfishing tips .info where there are tons more flyfishing tips to enjoy. FlyFishing Tips - Everybody knows the fundamentals of fishing. There is a rod, reel, fishing line, ...

Choosing Natural Kids Clothing for your Toddlers

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Even though not everyone is used to choosing organic clothing, there are many benefits in using natural materials for children’s clothes. First of all, Natural Kids Clothing is more ideal for children with highly sensitive skin. For kids with s...

Prepare for Getting Found Before Your Trip

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The time to prepare to be rescued is before you ever need to signal for help. Following these wilderness survival tips will greatly help. When you travel, leave an itinerary of your trip with a responsible, trusted person at home. Include times th...

Camping with the Kids

When you’re camping with kids there’s a lot of effort and patience involved in planning and preparing for the trip. Yes, camping with kids seems a little more tiring and stressful than the usual camping trips when it was just you and your...

River Fly Fishing : The Complete Guide

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There has long been a need for a comprehensive guide to river fly-fishing for trout and grayling in the rivers of the UK. Peter Lapsley, in his masterly treatment of the subject, reveals that, far from being the restricted pleasure of the wealthy, ri...

The Blue Marlin As Seen by Casey Fronczek

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The blue Marlin is a large game fish that naturally lives in saltwater. The average weight of the blue Marlin ranges from 100 to 500 lbs. They have an average body length of six to ten feet and can be found mainly in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic ...

Fishing Tips

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HI TO ALL ANGLERS.  I have decided to do something radical and give away for free,valuable information gained from many years experience and countless hour upon hour of hard earned knowledge.  I caught my first fish at the age of 3 years and for th...

ESP Quality Carp Fishing Tackle

What is E.S.P. Fishing Tackle? Well, if you were thinking it was a new kind of tackle that would help you find and catch fish using some kind of mysterious psychic power, not quite. E.S.P. Fishing Tackle is a popular and well respected brand of fishi...

What Floats Your Boat?

  If you’re serious about the fishing game, and I assume you are, there’s a very basic reality that needs to be applied. If you cannot get to where the fish are because you have the wrong boat, what good will it do to impress your friends with j...

May 2009

Adventurous Safari: The Liger - More Than Just A Big Stripy Lion

What happens when you cross a lion with a tiger? No, this isn’t a joke and it doesn’t involve scientists puzzling away mixing DNA in test tubes, the simple answer is: A Liger. A cross between a male lion and a female tiger, the liger is the...

April 2009

Deer Hunting - Exploring Some Factors to Remember

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Are you willing to go deer hunting? Recently, deer hunting gains its popularity as one of the most well-liked outdoor activities. There are lots of adventures and challenges that can provide you lots of amusing experiences when you go deer hunting. Som...

A Safari With The Tanzanian Great Migration

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You have decided to take a safari and without hesitation I would advise a Serengeti Safari in Northern Tanzania. A Safari across the endless plains of the Serengeti to witness the last, great migration on earth is an unforgettable experience. The whole...

Hunt Leopard On Your African Hunting Safari

You can experience the excitement and magic of a real African hunting safari in parts of Namibia that are still wild, where the game runs free on hundreds of thousands of acres. It is hunting in Africa that feels right, from the traditional comfort o...

Camping with the Best Outdoor Tent

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It seems it is the dream of every young person to go backpacking. There does seem to be something magical when people leave their worldly possessions and hit a wild trail. It is an experience rich in special memories and you may find yourself getting ...

Sleeping Under the Stars - No Tent Camping

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When you think of camping out for one or more nights, then most people think of snuggling up in a sleeping bag inside a camping tent. Few people think who have actually gone camping outdoors seriously imagine camping out without a tent. But those who h...

The Haven of Wildlife Sanctuaries - Kenya And Botswana Safari

Although there is a large market for competition with other African countries, Kenya still assumes its top place in harboring visitors from all over the world. Much of Kenya is usually deemed as safari, which in turn made it famous. Go to overland tour...

Hunting Equipment - Basic Guidance in Selecting Great Gear

Preparing the right hunting equipment is all you need to do if you are setting up to go hunting. Hunting is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the country. A number of people consider that hunting is a serious sport. Therefore, if you want t...

Bringing Along a Camping Stove: What You Should Be Aware Of

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Camping can a ton of fun if you have the right equipment to make it an enjoyable time rather than wishing you had reserved a cabin instead. Among your camping supplies, a camping stove should be considered a must - especially if you camp often - becau...

How I Go Through Snow and Ice

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Hiking through snow and ice can be dangerous. People who hike in the mountains encounter snow and ice all the time, even in summer, but they’re most troublesome in late spring and early summer when they’re extremely slippery. Snow Since sno...

March 2009

Taking A Vacation In Southport, England And Things To See And Do

During these difficult time, often called the credit crunch, many groups of people are in the process of seriously examining their lifestyle and trying to save cash. One way many are saving is to take an English vacation the reason for which is that th...

How To Plan For A Serengeti Safari

No place in the world compares with Tanzania and here in Northern Tanzania is the fabulous Serengeti. This special place is surrounded with game rich havens that make for an unparallel safari experience. The Serengeti makes it to the number one game pa...

Vango Tents: One Of The Best Tents To Bring Along On Your Next Camping Experience

Tents have been around for thousands of years, being the core home of nomadic people especially of the inhabitants of the Middle East and Northern Africa. The American Indians have also another modification of this type of shelter in the form of the t...

dave_beasley_64's TAGS related to tag hunting

Fishing +   fishing gear +   fishing trips +   hunting dogs +   Outdoors +   sports +