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PUBLIC MARKS from dave_beasley_64 with tags fitness & medications

March 2009

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: No Need To Panic Gestational diabetes mellitus is a form of diabetes mellitus that occurs during the pregnancy period and in fact it is often only a temporary condition. Not every pregnant woman will develop this problem ...

July 2008

Great Types Of Meditation For Feeling Great

Some people bounce out of bed each morning with a smile on their face. Most of us find it a little harder to leave the cozy embrace of our slumber and face the day. So you’ll be happy to find out that one of the general benefits of meditation i...

June 2008

Can Yeast Infections Be Cured? | Health Advice Articles

by 2 others
Yeast infections are one of the most uncomfortable infections that a woman will experience in her lifetime. These infections are caused by an overgrowth of an

April 2008

Alcohol Addiction And You

It is believed that approximately one out of every 14 adults in the US is addicted to alcohol. There are several distinct factors that characterize alcoholism: a fixation with acquiring, ingesting and feeling its effects; losing control over its consum...

What Are Blue Chemical Peels?

Blue chemical peel is also known as medium chemical peel. It offers a more effective way of improving the texture of the skin as well as its freshness and vitality. This procedure uses trichloroacetic acid or TCA as its peeling acid solution. TCA is st...

Teeth Whitening Gel

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When it comes to teeth whitening your probably like the rest of the world and have a few questions like what are the best teeth whitening products on the market and what products work and don’t work. Teeth Whitening Colorado All teeth whitening...

The Reality About Abdominal Training: The Facts vs Fiction

Every late night, infomercial wants you to believe that if you just use their abdominal “gadget” for three minutes a day, three times a week, then you too can have a perfectly sculpted midsection. Sound too good to be true? That’s be...

How Antiaging Skin Care Can Help You Look Younger

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About antiaging skin care - antiaging skin care treatment has become extremly popular as women (and men) reduce the signs of aging. Due to the effects of our environment, the need for skin care is at an all time high. Consistent usage of skin care c...

Foot Detox

Many people are becoming more focused on improving their health through diet and exercise. If you want to regain your vitality and improve your future health you need to cleanse your system from these toxins. One of the most easiest and effective way...

March 2008

Herpes- A Cold Sore -cure Naturally

It is believed that approximately 80% of Americans have the cold sore virus. Of that number, approximately 20% will have an outbreak. But what exactly is a cold sore, where do they come from, and why do they break out every now and then? Cold sores a...

Breast Augmentation And Drinking Protein Shakes

For anyone who is planning on undergoing any surgical procedure must realize that although they know it is surgery, the body looks at it as an injury and therefore will try to repair that injury. Any time that out bodies are injured, we need more nutri...

Adapalene Acne Solution - Buy Or Not !

What is Adapalene? differing acne treatment Adapalene, also known as Differin is a cream or gel used for the treatment of acne. The only way of obtaining adapalene is bu prescription. Differin medication works by stopping pimples from growing undern...


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So you are one of those people who have acne, and love to pop those pimples. But now your left with those acne marks, and you want to know to get rid of them. If you are looking for a miracle treatment that gets rid of the marks in a couple of days, yo...