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PUBLIC MARKS from dave_beasley_64 with tag diets

July 2009

Weight Loss Diet Natural and Safe Weight Loss Tips

by 4 others
to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, the Kapha Dosha (humour) is primarily responsible for fat and adipose tissue in the body and therefore reducing Kapaha is the key to a successful weight loss program. Below you will find s...

How to Reknew Hair Follicles

by 4 others
There are many shampoos on the market that are advertised as hair loss rinse If you advertisement that you hair is tightening you may astonishment if this is what you ought to be using to help stop any added baldheadedness The advertisements that go to...

June 2009

Natural Weight Loss

by 4 others
Vitamins and Minerals for Natural Weight Loss Part of a healthy natural weight loss regiment is making sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need to sustain your body’s health. This is especially important if the weight loss diet t...

April 2009

6 Pack Abs - Core Based Exercises

by 2 others
Losing love-handles or a protruding belly is the main reason most folks decide to hit the gym and start working out. Having an unflattering midsection is one of the things that keep countless people from having fun in the beach or in a pool during summer.

March 2009

The Amazing Acai Berry Fact Or Fiction

by 1 other
Do you want to look younger? Improve your overall health? Stop looking in the cosmetic department and start looking toward the Brazilian rainforest. No worries! You do not have to travel to this remote region to benefit from the latest scientific disco...

Are These Weight Loss Mistakes Preventing You From Losing Fat?

Fitness and weight loss expert, Barbara Vinciguerra shares some of the most common mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight. Stop wasting your time and start getting results now by eliminating these 5 weight loss mistakes.

A Guide To Juvenile Diabetes Diet

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A Guide To Juvenile Diabetes Menu Diabetes is a metabolic disorder where body loses its ability to break down and store the sugars. This inefficiency to process glucose results in increased level of sugar in the blood, causing various health problems. ...

Juvenile Diabetes Facts

Common Juvenile Diabetes Facts There are many juvenile diabetes facts that are disturbing for the parents and the patients. Type-1 diabetes suddenly strikes the children, and makes them dependent on the pumped or injected insulin for the rest of their ...

Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Are you tired of diet tips handed out by someone with apparently unlimited income and time? For some of us who need to lose weight after having a baby, it may just not be practical to spend half of our Sunday preparing carefully portioned meals for the...

How the Acai Berry Can Increase Health

by 1 other
The Brazilian fruit called the Acai Berry is rich in vitamins, protein and fiber. Those are not the only health benefits to the Acai Berry. The Acai Berry is also packed with antioxidants and omega fatty acids, the good fatty acids that most of us don'...

Weight Loss Diets

Almost everyone has a New Year’s resolution whenever a new year approaches which often includes weight management. This is usually something that they have probably tried before and have been unsuccessful. One of the most popular New Year’s...

February 2009

Lose Weight By Circuit Training With This Great Plan

by 1 other
Gardening is an activity, which makes us an environment friendly. We contribute in the natural beauty by planting new shrubs and herbs. Gardening increases the beauty of nature, as well as, assists us in burning our fats. We are required to bend down o...

January 2009

Discussing Essential Vitamins

by 2 others
Making good use of chewable vitamin is a good thing as we see that throughout the world, a lot of people have problems with their digestive systems that make it hard to absorb nutrients and break down the food they eat. This is a common problem, one t...

Alternative Exercise Isometrics

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A typical gym workout: Sweating, breathing hard, watching the timer, cursing under my breath, aching, running out of steam, wishing to be somewhere/anywhere else, bored to tears, embarrassed by the scene in the omni-present mirrors, watching the timer ...

December 2008

Fat Weight Loss Guide

by 1 other
You build muscle, you lose fat. You build muscle, you gain strength, energy, resistance, enthusiam, creativity, ability, longevity, esteem - you hit the jack pot. Most diets don’t work for long term fat loss. They’re concerned with reducing...

Acupuncture Natural Remedy to Reduce Health Problem

by 1 other
Acupuncture is beneficial option to make well ache from injury, illness or another medical condition. Acupuncture is in fact method from ancient times that utilizing needle to press some exact spot on the body. Acupuncture method is considerably enhanc...

Stage 2 Hypertension - All the Things You Have to Understand

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Do you know what is stage 2 hypertension actually? This is what you need to learn in the world of hypertension. Hypertension is a condition when your blood pressure is above 130/80. Below, let us check a comprehensive overview about stage 2 hypertensio...

What You Need To Know About Muscle Building Books

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Can you really use muscle building books to get the results you want? The answer is yes however, you need to find publications which have developed a reputation for getting results. In other words, some homework will be needed on your part to sift out ...

What You Must Know When Building Your Body

by 3 others
If you want to build-up muscles or bulk up, then you should consider joining a gym, or investing in some exercise equipment. Muscles require high-quality protein for growth and maintenance; therefore, you should increase your protein intake. Work out e...

Remember Cold And Flu Season

by 1 other
Remember Cold And Flu Season.Protection Against The Flu Virus Once again winter is here and it’s time for cold and flu season. There are many ways to avoid catching a cold or flu but we all know that sometimes it’s just too late, we alread...

The Safest Way To Quit Smoking

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Smoking causes a number of damages to our health. By quitting smoking you can achieve a number of benefits. The advantages of quitting smoking are as follows. By avoiding smoking stroke risk is reduced to that of a person who never smoked after 5 t...

October 2008

Who Else Wants To Get A Flat Stomach

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A lot of people have been asking me why I want six pack abs. I always answer them back with the question, who doesn’t? If you want to look good physically, you must work hard for it. Sacrifices have to be made and you need to know enough inform...

How Mangosteen Juice Nutrition Supplements Can Improve Your Weight Loss Experience

Nutrition Supplements can make a difference when you’re attempting to lose weight. For many individuals, Dec 31st and Jan 1st could amount to two things: A life transforming year or another annoying and disappointing year ahead. This is becaus...

The PHP 2030 Just Released at

With the closure of a few massage chair industry leaders, more consumers are making their massage chair purchases online from companies such as This company has just announced the arrival of their newest product: The Premier ...

July 2008

The Real Reasons Yoga Has Great For Your Health For Centuries

The art of yoga is a rather tough subject to discuss today. Globalization seems to have vanquished the real meaning and purpose of this miraculous ancient art. To make it easy for the common man to understand, the whole philosophy has been reduced to a...