public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dave_beasley_64 with tag beauty

17 July 2009

Revealing the Secret of Sensitive Skin Care

by 4 others
Ever wondered if there's a sensitive skin care product on the market right for your skin? A cream or lotion that doesn't harm, irritate or cause an allergic react to your skin when applied? Because, nowadays it's very important for your sensitive skin ...

16 July 2009


by 2 others
We are committed to giving you natural results that enhance your appearance. Richard de Ramón, MD offers a full range of cosmetic and reconstructive care. His expertise, specialized training, and artful eye help patients improve their looks through...

Learn Some Ways To Eliminate The Appearance Of Cellulite

by 4 others
Do you hate wearing a bikini because of those unsightly dimples in the thigh and glute area? Have you been wondering what it is and how to banish it? This article will give you a few ways to get rid of cellulite. Would you like to know what cellulite r...

15 July 2009

Fish Oil and Eye Wrinkles- Removing Eye Wrinkle Problems with Fish Oil

by 1 other
  Fish oil can definitely help with  eye wrinkles.  Fish oil helps many health problems directly or indirectly.  The skin being our largest organ benefits enormously from fish oil.  Why?  Let's find out why it is not a new discovery. What is ne...

Why Do People Have Freckles?

by 2 others
This is an important question you may be wondering. Why do people have freckles? Knowing the answer helps you prevent and get rid of freckles much more easily. And this guide is going to help you do the same. What Causes Freckles? For different peop...

14 July 2009

Acne Scar Skin Care: Use These Skin Care Remedies For Your Acne Scars

by 3 others
If you have a history of acne outbreaks on your face, you should know that it is very important to develop an acne scar skin care program.  Even after the acne has gone away, many acne sufferers find that unsightly acne scars can still keep them from ...

13 July 2009

Products to Treat Aging

by 2 others
Treating aging skin becomes more desirous as the signs of wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear. There are several options available to treat aging skin; however the option you choose might be larger dependent on your finances or how desperate you ...

Products to Treat Aging

by 3 others
Treating aging skin becomes more desirous as the signs of wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear. There are several options available to treat aging skin; however the option you choose might be larger dependent on your finances or how desperate you mi...

11 July 2009

The Best Wrinkle Reducing Cream Keeps Skin Healthy, Young-Looking and Radiant

by 2 others
What if I told you the best wrinkle reducing cream is healthy for your skin? What if I also told you that this cream reduces your forehead wrinkles and other signs of aging? Want to find out what type of cream handles these issues? The first place wrin...

10 July 2009

Advice on How to Mentally Prepare for Liposuction

by 2 others
Liposuction is a successful cosmetic procedure that removes fat deposits from targeted areas on the body. Liposuction has many uses, most typically for the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips and arms. Also resourceful in combination with other cosmetic...

The Only Ingredient In An Eye Gel That Actually Works

by 2 others
There is at least one ingredient that you need in order for an eye gel to be effective and produce results in the area of your eyes.  Haloxyl is an ingredient that can be found in some eye gel products.  This ingredient works as an anti-aging agent t...

09 July 2009

Skin Care Supplement

"Natural Skin Care" seems to be quite a buzzword lately, and with good reason - many natural skin care ingredients actually outperform their man-made counterparts. As with any other natural beauty product, unfortunately the adage "you get what you pa...

08 July 2009

Male Age Spots - The Best Ways to Lighten Your Male Age Spots

by 2 others
The advice that I am going to give you is pertinent for both men and women, but I am focusing on the problems that men have with these blemishes because they tend to get them a lot worse than women do. There are a number of factors that explain why t...

Male Age Spots - The Best Ways to Lighten Your Male Age Spots

by 2 others
The advice that I am going to give you is pertinent for both men and women, but I am focusing on the problems that men have with these blemishes because they tend to get them a lot worse than women do. There are a number of factors that explain why thi...

07 July 2009

Why Do I Need An Eye Cream

by 3 others
Like many women, you probably already have a daily routine of applying a moisturizer to your face. You may have invested some time and effort to finding a product specific to your facial skin needs by reading eye cream reviews and the like. But did you...

Quick Rid of the Excess Tummy Fast With Abdominal Liposuction

by 1 other
Statistics show that even though abdominal liposuction is expensive, it is also one of the most performed interventions to loose weight in the United States. Abdominal liposuction surgery takes approximately couple of hours depending from person to ...

06 July 2009

Increasing Popularity of Facial Fillers

by 2 others
Mankind's never ending quest to look and feel younger is brought closer to fruition with the advent of an assortment of injectable fillers to smooth away wrinkles. Products that are less painful, longer lasting, more effective, and show immediate res...

Body Skin versus Facial Skin: How does the Skin of your Face Differ from the Skin on the Rest of you

by 3 others
Most of us look after our facial skin on a daily basis. Why? Because it is on display to the world, however, the rest of our skin should receive just as much attention and the use of a good quality, natural skin care range range that includes products ...

Eye Gel - Treating More Than Just Wrinkles

by 1 other
It is important to choose an eye gel carefully to make sure you make the right choice for you. If you are already fighting the signs of aging by using a face cream or other product on the rest of your face it is important to get a product to treat th...

05 July 2009

Eye Gel vs. Face Cream - Are They The Same?

by 3 others
Many people use some type of anti wrinkle eye gel around their eyes to try to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles. It is common to just use the same cream or gel on the eyes as on the face but using the same produ...

The Basics Of Ultrasonic Liposuction

by 1 other
The popularity of liposuction in the U.S. can not be denied but is it safe? Many prospective patients are opting for more advanced forms of liposuction which include ultrasonic liposuction and tumescent liposuction. If you are considering having thi...

04 July 2009

Detox Facial Cleaning Services

All these are stored mainly in the fatty tissues of the body and can play havoc with your health if they build up to excess or if you have sensitivity. We are aiming here to rid the body of garbage therefore it is important to make the diet as light an...

03 July 2009

How to Reduce Forehead Frown Lines

by 2 others
Did your mother ever tell you to stop frowning because it would give you forehead frown lines? Well she was actually right in a way. Forehead frown lines are real, but they are not necessarily caused by frowning all the time. Although, it cannot help i...

Finding a Cosmetic Surgery Service in Manila

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Liposuction and Surgery in the Philippines In the industry of liposuction in the Philippines, very few licensed Filipino cosmetic surgeons specializing in hi-definition vaser liposuction surgery offer their services locally. Most of them go abroad o...

02 July 2009

A revolutionary detox foot spa treatment for re-balancing and re-energizing

by 4 others
How does the viatek ionic foot spa work? Firstly, we must understand that the human body is made up of 60%-70% water. Our body fluids are made up of different types of salts. These salts are capable of conducting electricity. In fact, our whole body wi...