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PUBLIC MARKS from chantal with tag xml

April 2007

Ignorer casse et diacritique avec XSLT 1.0

Est-il possible avec XPath et XSLT 1.0 d'ignorer la casse (c'est à dire le fait qu'un caractère soit en majuscules ou en minuscules) et les diacritiques (c'est çà dire les accents) et de considérer par exemple que "Modéré" est égal à "modere" ?

January 2007

Dynamic XML document construction with the PHP DOM - Program - PHP - Builder AU

When working with XML-based applications, developers often find themselves facing the requirement to generate XML-encoded data structures on the fly. Examples of this include an XML order template based on user input in a Web form, or an XML representation of a server request or client response based on run-time parameters.

Dynamic XML with PHP

In this article I will show how to generate dynamic XML documents with Object-Oriented PHP. Before I get started, let's get right to the heart of this functionality. Although the code may look fancy, being packaged up inside objects and inheritance, the key elements of this functionality rest in the the mysql_list_fields() and mysql_num_fields() functions.

October 2006


by 4 others
XML Tools, XML Articles and XML Learning Tutorials Function reference

February 2006

by 4 others (via)
the best resource for PHP tutorials, templates, PHP manuals, content management systems, scripts, classes and more.

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