public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from chantal

February 2007

January 2007

phpPaypalPro version 0.1.0 has been released

by 4 others (via)
The first release of phpPaypalPro is now available for public download. This program contains very promising features that simplifies the process of integrating with the Website Payments Pro API from Paypal.

You're being lied to

If you're among the crowd who have migrated an OOP based application from PHP4 to PHP5, then I'm sure you've heard the expression "Objects are copied by reference by default in PHP5". Whoever told you that, was lying.

Dynamic XML document construction with the PHP DOM - Program - PHP - Builder AU

When working with XML-based applications, developers often find themselves facing the requirement to generate XML-encoded data structures on the fly. Examples of this include an XML order template based on user input in a Web form, or an XML representation of a server request or client response based on run-time parameters.

Dynamic XML with PHP

In this article I will show how to generate dynamic XML documents with Object-Oriented PHP. Before I get started, let's get right to the heart of this functionality. Although the code may look fancy, being packaged up inside objects and inheritance, the key elements of this functionality rest in the the mysql_list_fields() and mysql_num_fields() functions.


by 26 others (via)
The PHP Rapid Development Framework

December 2006


by 23 others
Librairie JavaScript, support Ajax

November 2006

Prototype JavaScript Framework

by 96 others
Class-style OO, Ajax, and more

October 2006


by 156 others, 2 comments
Tester différentes typos


by 4 others
XML Tools, XML Articles and XML Learning Tutorials Function reference

August 2006