public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cbrocas

March 2008

February 2008

January 2008

Apache Reverse Proxy Memory Consumption Observations (Apache Security)

1. o need to have a few of these processes because there is a performance penalty associated with the creation of a new process and because Apache creates new processes at a rate of one every second.

Bordeaux : Cadre de vie - Propreté

iles de vidanges et batteries. Attention : leur accès est limité aux véhicules d'une hauteur de 1,90 mètres maximum.

Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse Service Environments (lemonade) Charter

by 1 other (via)
2. Enhance the existing IMAP4 message retrieval and/or message submission (RFC 2476) protocols to satisfy the requirements for forwarding a message and/or its attachments without downloading the message to the client and subsequently uploading the message to a server.

cbrocas's TAGS


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accessibilité   ajax   apache   apn   apple   apt-get   asterisk   backup   bash   benchmark   bind   blog   boot   cache   calendar   certificat   clé usb   code   command   configuration   conversion   courier   css   csszengarden   ddos   debian   design   dns   développement   documentation   dotclear   dvd   extension   firefox   framework   freebox   html   http   icon   ide   imap   internet   ipod   jabber   javascript   joomla   ldap   library   linux   load balancing   log   logo   messagerie   messagerie instantanée   mini   mozilla   mp3   openbsd   opensearch   opensource   optimisation   photo   php   postfix   preferences   proxy   reverse proxy   rewrite   rfc   sasl   scan   search   search engine   security   serveur   service   sécurité   spam   ssl   style   subversion   sun   symfony   synchronisation   syncml   template   test   theme   thunderbird   téléphonie   tutorial   ubuntu   url   virtualisation   voip   web   webservice   wifi   windows   xhtml