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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag spam

December 2008

Quick Install Guide: Untangle for Ubuntu and Debian - UntangleWiki

Untangle delivers an integrated family of applications that simplify and consolidate the network and security products that businesses need at the network gateway. * Pre-configured to work right away * Downloadable for rapid deployment * Integrated with a common GUI, logging & reporting * Designed to run on generic Intel/AMD hardware Open Source & Free * Web Filter * Spam Blocker * Spyware Blocker * Protocol Control * Virus Blocker * Phish Blocker * IPS * Attack Blocker * Firewall * OpenVPN * Untangle Reports * Routing & QoS

October 2008 - Opensource/magicmail/magic-smtpd/magic-smtpd

MAGIC-SMTPD is a drop in replacement for Dan Bernsteins qmail-smtpd, and was originally designed to be part of the LinuxMagic Magic Mail Server. This OpenSource version has been released to allow others to benefit from it's anti-spam components, and valid user checking to reduce server loads and spam volumes. It is designed to support stock qmail installations, qmail/vpopmail installations, as well as having database support. Designed for ISP service, this will work for all mail servers large and small. Comments are welcome. Support for other mailers is expected in the future. Complete support packages are also available.

September 2008

POMPAGE - Comment vous assurer que vos emails HTML s’affichent correctement et arrivent à bon port ?

by 8 others (via)
Bien qu’assurer à un affichage homogène de vos emails soit déjà un défi en soi, vous avez encore du chemin à parcourir avant qu’ils arrivent effectivement dans la boîte de réception de vos abonnés. Tout le petit monde de la livraison d'emails a beaucoup changé ces dernières années. A l’origine, le contenu était roi. Tant que vous n’étiez pas sur liste noire et que le contenu de vos emails n’incluait pas trop de mots à connotation « spammesque », alors vous aviez de bonnes chances que votre email soit bien remis. Aujourd’hui, cependant, les moyens technologiques des fournisseurs d’accès et de filtrage de spam sont devenus beaucoup plus intelligents et agressifs. Qui envoie l’email est devenu plus important que ce que l’email dit. Les fournisseurs d’accès font cette distinction en observant les habitudes de transfert de leurs utilisateurs et l'utilisation qu'ils font du bouton « Marquer comme spam » afin de lier ces informations au domaine expéditeur et à son adresse IP. Si un de vos abonnés ouvre régulièrement vos emails, vous devriez être tranquille... mais si un certain nombre d'entre eux ne les ouvre que rarement et les marque comme du spam, alors il y a des chances que vous n’atteigniez plus les boîtes de réception. Connue sous le nom de Réputation Expéditeur, c'est le facteur le plus important pour la livraison de vos emails à bon port. Comme dans le monde réel, avoir une bonne réputation inspire la confiance, et si les fournisseurs d’accès ne vous font pas confiance, vous avez un problème.

spamgourmet - free disposable email addresses, spam blocker

by 1 other
Si vous donnez à tout le monde votre adresse de courrier électronique (courriel), vous recevez des spams et vous ne savez pas qui les envoie. Ne serait-il pas pratique de pouvoir donner une adresse différente à chaque société, à chaque site web, tout en continuant à recevoir votre courriel comme auparavant? Ne serait-il pas pratique que votre adresse soit désactivée automatiquement si elle commence à être spammée? Eh bien, c'est exactement ce que propose Spamgourmet! Il n'y a rien à installer sur votre machine. Et après vous être inscrit, vous n'aurez sans doute jamais plus besoin de revenir ici. C'est pour cela que Spamgourmet est une des meilleures façons d'éviter le spam. Libérez-vous du spam en 3 étapes

August 2008

smtp-delay plug-in for qmail

smtp-delay is an add-on/plug-in intended for use with qmail. It was written primarily to add banner delays and antipipelining to qmail. These two features are known to be able to block certain types of spam and virus mail sent through non-rfc-compliant SMTP engines. When I looked around for programs to add this functionality to qmail, I found only one such program, and didn't like the way it was done. BTW...I have the same objections to the way its done in sendmail 8.13.x. Since banner delays (the server pausing for some time before issuing an SMTP banner) cause every SMTP connection to take longer, I thought it would be a good idea to somehow exempt "legitimate" mail servers...or at least not subject them to long banner delays. So I decided to tune the banner delay time based on the connecting IP's reverse DNS. IPs with no rDNS get treated the worst (longest banner delay). IPs with rDNS matching a regex intended to detect dynamic/end-user IPs get a moderate delay. All other IPs get a very short banner delay...just long enough to see if they immediately pipeline (send SMTP commands before the banner's been sent). The original intent for smtp-delay was that it should be run before rblsmtpd, and simply set the RBLSMTPD environment variable if applicable, letting rblsmtpd issue the 4xx response. Pretty early on, I realized smtp-delay should be able to run standalone (without dependence on rblsmtpd to do its talking) and issue a 4xx response on its own. Lately, the spam load against our mail cluster has gotten so bad that I've started running smtp-delay after rblsmtpd, based on the idea that there's no point waiting out a long banner delay holding an open socket to an IP we have no intention of accepting mail from anyway. This reduced our concurrency by about 20%.

July 2008 » Nine ways to obfuscate e-mail addresses compared

by 3 others
When displaying an e-mail address on a website you obviously want to obfuscate it to avoid it getting harvested by spammers. But which obfuscation method is the best one? I drove a test to find out. Here are the results: In 2006 I opened nine different e-mail addresses. On this page I published the nine e-mail addresses. But every address has been obfuscated by a different method. I made sure it’s getting indexed by Google by putting a link to that page on the homepage. Then I waited 1.5 years (see the original post). For each e-mail address I counted the amount of spam I received. The amount of spam received started by 21MB (for no obfuscation and a total of over 1800 spam mails) and went down to absolutely no spam.

How To Block Spammers/Hackers With mod_defensible On Apache2 (Debian Etch) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

mod_defensible is an Apache 2.x module intended to block spammers/hackers/script kiddies using DNSBL servers. It will look at the client IP and check it in one or several DNSBL servers and return a 403 Forbidden page to the client. This guide shows how to install and use it with Apache 2 on a Debian Etch server.

March 2008

QMVC - Qmail Mail and Virus Control

is an unidirectional Mail Filter and Virus Scanner for Qmail. qmvc works in conjunction with the "dot-qmail" mechanism for qmail-local. It is entirely designed for Qmail and there are no additional patches required for Qmail.

Greylisting anti spam solution for Qmail -

Greylisting is an interesting method to fight against spam. It's based on the fact most spam is not sent out by fully compliant MTA's. How it works and how this can be implemented into Qmail?

February 2008

Spam Links - spam filter server addons

Filtering add-ons to specific mail server applications and instructions on how to filter spam with specific servers. Remember that spam filters are also available that work with any mail server on a particular operating system, and that some spam filters can be found that function on any operating system, with any mail server.

Greylisting: The Next Step in the Spam Control War

by 1 other
Greylisting is a new method of blocking significant amounts of spam at the mailserver level, but without resorting to heavyweight statistical analysis or other heuristical (and error-prone) approaches. Consequently, implementations are fairly lightweight, and may even decrease network traffic and processor load on your mailserver. Greylisting relies on the fact that most spam sources do not behave in the same way as "normal" mail systems. Although it is currently very effective by itself, it will perform best when it is used in conjunction with other forms of spam prevention. For a detailed description of the method, see the Whitepaper. The term Greylisting is meant to describe a general method of blocking spam based on the behavior of the sending server, rather than the content of the messages. Greylisting does not refer to any particular implementation of these methods. Consequently, there is no single Greylisting product. Instead, there are many products that incorporate some or all of the methods described here.

January 2008

HOWTO Spam Filtering with Spamdyke in front of Qmail - Gentoo Linux Wiki

This HOWTO should give an overview on using spamdyke SMTP filter in front of the mail-mta/netqmail mailserver. From the spamdyke website: spamdyke is a filter for monitoring and intercepting SMTP connections between a remote host and a qmail server. When a connection is established from a spam source (as determined by the active filters), spamdyke will reject the email -- qmail never sees it.

December 2007

spamdyke: A drop-in connection-time spam filter for qmail

spamdyke is a filter for monitoring and intercepting SMTP connections between a remote host and a qmail server. Spam is blocked while the remote server (spammer) is still connected; no additional processing or storage is needed.

Roundcube webmail : filtre à spams - mumbly's world

oundcube webmail est un de mes webmails préférés : simple, léger et joli il combine certaines qualités indéniables pour un webmaster. Mais l'une des particularités de ce webmail, c'est qu'il ne possède pas officiellement de "plugin" pour filtrer les spams. Sur mon serveur Spamassassin s'occupe de renommer l'objet des mails avec "***SPAM***" si le mail traité dépasse un certain "score". Bref, j'ai régulièrement une boite mail envahit par des 10zaines de spams et, au contraire de Squirrelmail, je ne peux pas les faire trier automatiquement pour qu'ils aillent dans un dossier "Spam" ou "Indésirables" ... ET BIEN SI ! Sur les forums de Roundcube, il y a la solution, que je viens de tester, et qui fonctionne très bien !

October 2007

Full Mail Server Solution w/ Virtual Domains & Users (Debian Etch, Postfix, Mysql, Dovecot, DSpam, ClamAV, Postgrey, RBL) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This guide describes how to set up a full email solution in Debian Linux (all code is from Debian Etch). I was asked to design a secure, scalable, portable solution for a small company. While the guide references many 'servers', the company only had 4 physical machines, Xen was used to virtualize the entire solution. That particular aspect of the system is not discussed in this guide, although I will try to get it into the next revision.

Artisan Numérique » Débarasser drupal du SPAM sans captchas

Les spams sont une véritable infection, ce n'est un secret pour personne. Et les solutions pour lutter contre ce fléau sont aussi nombreuses que moyennement satisfaisantes. Il peut s'agir de déléguer ce travail à un service dédié (ex. akismet), de les traiter à la main (ne riez pas, je l'ai fait pendant un temps Wink ) ou encore d'utiliser les fameux captchas, ces images illisibles qui sont d'une utilisation extrêmement désagréables pour les contributeurs. Ce que je vous propose ici c'est une implémentation avec Drupal qui n'a rien de révolutionnaire tout en étant très efficace. L'idée étant de vérifier que les commentaires (et tous les formulaires en fait) sont en toute probabilité écrits par un humain.

Protect Your Network from spamming, scanning, harvesting and dDoS attacks with DROP List

DROP (Don’t Route Or Peer) is an advisory “drop all traffic” list, consisting of stolen ‘zombie’ netblocks and netblocks controlled entirely by professional spammers. DROP is a tiny sub-set of the SBL designed for use by firewalls and routing equipment.

o3 magazine | The Open Source Enterprise Magazine

Issue 8 provides a guide to deploying Email systems from End to End. Several columns look at each component of an Enterprise grade email solution using Open Source. These articles lead up to a discussion on designing Scalable SMTP Networks. This issue also looks at Voicemail / Email integration with Asterisk.

September 2007

April 2007

March 2007

Integrating amavisd-new Into Postfix For Spam- And Virus-Scanning | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

Integrating amavisd-new Into Postfix For Spam- And Virus-Scanning | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

January 2007

Collaborative Protection Against Disposable Email ::

Collaborative Protection Against Disposable Email ::

camel's TAGS related to tag spam

address +   admin +   amavis +   anit spam +   anti spam +   apache +   apache2 +   applications +   captcha +   captchas +   clamav +   cluster +   code +   collaboration +   community +   config +   control +   database +   debian +   dotclear +   drop +   email +   encoding +   environment +   filter +   firewall +   firwall +   form +   format +   free +   greylist +   guide +   howto +   html +   image +   install +   jetable +   linux +   list +   mail +   mod_defensible +   monitoring +   network +   obfuscate +   opensource +   php +   postfix +   project +   proxy +   qmail +   reference +   remote +   roundcube +   script +   secure +   server +   serveur +   site +   smtp +   spamassassin +   ubuntu +   virus +   vmware +   vpn +