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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag image

December 2008

Styliser automatiquement les liens d’une URL

Sur certains sites il peut être utile d’informer le visiteur sur la nature du lien en changeant la couleur et en y associant une petite image : est-ce un lien interne, externe, une image, un lien affilié… Pour y arriver facilement je vous conseille d’installer le script de DLINK qui fait cela très bien et presque tout seul…

Thumbalizr, capture d’écran en ligne

by 1 other
Thumbalizr permet de réaliser une capture de votre site internet. Deux options possibles : capture de la page entière de votre site internet (option PAGE) ou capture a la “taille de l’écran” (option SCREEN).

jQZoom Evolution

by 5 others (via)
JQZoom is a javascript image magnifier built at the top of the popular jQuery javascript framework.jQzoom is a great and a really easy to use script to magnify what you want.

Server2Go - Self configurable WAMPP Stack

Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of the box without any installation and on write protected media. This means that web applications based on Server2Go can be used directly from cdrom, a usb stick or from any folder on a hard disk without the hassle of configuring Apache, PHP or MySQL. Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM. There are many examples of its possible useses such as catalogue software, calculation programmes, image campaigns (CMS-based), computer based training lessons or other applicatons. Most PHP-Software such as the content management system Joomla or the computer based training software Moodle can be used from CD-ROM with the help of Server2Go. Server2Go was developed in the first instance for use on CD-ROM but there is no problem in using it from other drives too. Using a web browser, a user can run php programs as well as view html files on the CD-ROM. He only needs to insert a CD with Server2Go. The server software starts automatically and a browser is opened with the Website of the CD-ROM. Server2Go was built in the first place to replace other CD-ROM webservers such as WampOnCD or Microweb that lacked some important features or are not being actively developed. Main Features * Free! No royalties * Complete WAMPP Server-Stack * Runs directly from CD-ROM, USB Stick or Hard disk without installation * Full featured webserver (based on apache) * PHP 5.x support with many extensions installed (e.g. gd) * Supports SQLite databases * Runs on all versions of Windows from Win 98 and above, MAC OSX support is coming * Support for MySQL 5 Databases * Supports many PHP extensions (GD-Lib, PDO...) by default * Support for Perl 5.8

November 2008

Galleriffic | A jQuery plugin for rendering fast-performing photo galleries

Galleriffic was inspired by Mike Alsup's Cycle plugin, but with performance in mind for delivering a high volume of photos. This is my first experiment with jQuery, so I would love feedback on how to improve this plugin. Features * Smart Image Preloading after the page is loaded * Thumbnail Navigation (with pagination) * Bookmark-friendly URLs * Slideshow (with auto-updating url bookmarks) * Image fade transitions * Optional download link for the original image * Flexible configuration * Graceful degradation when javascript is not available * Now supports multiple galleries per page (View Multiple Gallery Demo)

jQuery.popeye - an inline lightbox alternative | Christoph Schüßler » Informationsarchitektur und so

by 4 others (via)
The plugin transforms an unoredered list of images into a box displaying only one preview image at a time. The box has controls to skim through the preview images and to enlarge a given image. The box expands to accomodate the enlarged version, while the controls are hidden in full image size mode. A simple click on the image returns the box to its compact state. The compact box has fixed, automatically calculated dimensions. The widht and height are calculated so that all thumbnail images are cropped to the smallest width and height in the set and centered resulting image area (stage).

Adapter une légende à la largeur de l'image - Alsacréations

by 4 others
Comment réaliser un bloc d'illustration avec une image et une légende qui respecterait les deux critères suivants: premièrement, le bloc doit s'adapter à la largeur de l'image; deuxièmement, le texte donné en légende ne doit jamais dépasser l'image en largeur, et passera sur plusieurs lignes si nécessaire. La solution de facilité serait de figer la largeur du bloc et de travailler toujours avec des images de mêmes dimensions. Mais les CSS nous permettent de faire preuve d'un peu plus de subtilité.

How To Back Up An Ubuntu 8.10 System With SystemImager | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by 1 other (via)
SystemImager lets you create images of your Linux installations. To do so, you need an image server (should have enough disk space to store your images) and a so-called golden client (i.e., the system of which you want to make an image). This means that you have to install some software on your image server and on your golden client in order to run SystemImager. This tutorial shows how to install a SystemImager server and a SystemImager client, both using Ubuntu 8.10, and how to create/update/restore/delete images.

Xen Backup Image — Rogerio Ferreira

# Performing remote backups of VMs created with xen-create-image tool (xen-tools). # Use rdiff-backup as backend.

October 2008

Dragonfly 2.0 - Finn Rudolphs Homepage

ImageFlow is a picture gallery, which allows an intuitive image handling. The basic idea is to digitally animate the thumbing through a physical image stack. That intuitive handling is automatically caused by the metaphorical use of the well known process of thumbing through.

Galleriffic | A jQuery plugin for rendering fast-performing photo galleries

by 2 others
Galleriffic was inspired by Mike Alsup's Cycle plugin, but with performance in mind for delivering a high volume of photos. Features * Smart Image Preloading after the page is loaded * Thumbnail Navigation (with pagination) * Bookmark-friendly URLs * Slideshow (with auto-updating url bookmarks) * Image fade transitions * Optional download link for the original image * Flexible configuration * Graceful degradation when javascript is not available * Now supports multiple galleries per page (View Multiple Gallery Demo)

September 2008

Jcrop - Deep Liquid

by 6 others
Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. It combines the ease-of-use of a typical jQuery plugin with a powerful cross-platform DHTML cropping engine that is faithful to familiar desktop graphics applications.

August 2008

FAN: Fully Automated Nagios

by 1 other
FAN stands for "Fully Automated Nagios". FAN goals are to provide a Nagios installation including most tools provided by the Nagios Community. FAN provides a CDRom image in the standard ISO format, making it easy to easilly install a Nagios server. Added to this, a wide bunch of tools are including to the distribution, in order to improve the user experience around Nagios.

An alternative to sIFR: Facelift Image Replacement | Breathe new life into your web pages

by 13 others
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers. Any element with text can be replaced: from headers to span elements and everything in between!

April 2008

scalr - Google Code

by 3 others
Scalr is a fully redundant, self-curing and self-scaling hosting environment utilizing Amazon's EC2. It allows you to create server farms through a web-based interface using prebuilt AMI's for load balancers (pound or nginx), app servers (apache, others), databases (mysql master-slave, others), and a generic AMI to build on top of. The health of the farm is continuously monitored and maintained. When the Load Average on a type of node goes above a configurable threshold a new node is inserted into the farm to spread the load and the cluster is reconfigured. When a node crashes a new machine of that type is inserted into the farm to replace it. 4 AMI's are provided for load balancers, mysql databases, application servers, and a generic base image to customize. Scalr allows you to further customize each image, bundle the image and use that for future nodes that are inserted into the farm. You can make changes to one machine and use that for a specific type of node. New machines of this type will be brought online to meet current levels and the old machines are terminated one by one. The project is still very young, but we're hoping that by open sourcing it the AWS development community can turn this into a robust hosting platform and give users an alternative to the current fee based services available.

March 2008

FancyBox - jQuery image zooming plugin

by 10 others
Inspired by many other lightbox-like tools, now made kinda different image zooming script for those who want something fresh. It`s powered by great javascript library - jQuery, tested with IE6, IE7, Firefox Features: * Automatically scales large images to fit in window * Adds a nice drop shadow under the full-size image * Image sets to group related images and navigate through them

Automating deployment and activation of virtual images

Virtualization offers advantages that include server consolidation, isolation, rapid provisioning, and improved change management processes. Since virtualization breaks the hardware dependency and isolates virtual machines from details about the physical servers on which they are hosted, virtual images can be moved from one hosting platform to another. They can also be cloned to create more virtual machines, as desired. One of the challenges with cloning virtual images is handling operating system, network, and application specific customization. This article provides a sample framework for automating virtual image activation on new host platforms. This article, along with a previous article on Using virtual image templates to deploy WebSphere Application Server, demonstrates an automated approach for quickly and easily provisioning new WebSphere Application Server environments. The sample deployment and activation code included with this article is independent of WebSphere Application Server and can be used in conjunction with other software inside a virtual image. The specific example provided here is for WebSphere Application Server V6 in VMware or XEN virtual images, using SUSE V10 as the guest operating system. The activation techniques described in this article can be used in conjunction with IBM Tivoli® Provisioning Manager as described in Using Tivoli Provisioning Manager to deploy composite virtual appliances.

galleria - Google Code

by 3 others (via)
Galleria is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery. It loads the images one by one from an unordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded. It will create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled, centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS. The core of Galleria lies in it's smart preloading behaviour, snappiness and the fresh absence of obtrusive design elements. Use it as a foundation for your custom styled image gallery.

February 2008

Heartbeat2 Xen cluster with drbd8 and OCFS2

The idea behind the whole set-up is to get a High availability two node Cluster with redundant data. The two identical Servers are installed with Xen hypervisor and almost same configuration as Cluster nodes. The configuration and image files of Xen virtual machines are stored on drbd device for redundancy. Drbd8 and OCFS2 allows simultaneous mounting on both nodes, which is required for live migration of xen virtual machines. This Article describes Heartbeat2 Xen cluster Using Ubuntu (7.10) OS, drbd8 and OCFS2 (Ver. 1.39) File system. Although here Ubuntu is used it can be done in almost same way with Debian

image2mpeg : pour convertir une série de photographies en film MPEG » UNIX Garden

image2mpeg est une solution intéressante qui permet de visualiser de façon agréable vos photographies de vacances sur un téléviseur ou de les diffuser sous forme de petit film en ligne sur la Toile. Il est possible de spécifier plusieurs types de transition entre les photographies, mais aussi de réaliser des titrages (génériques, crédits ou titres) ou de zoomer sur les photographies pendant leur affichage ou encore d'ajouter une piste audio. image2mpeg est en fait un frontend d’ image2ppm, qui est le véritable encodeur MPEG qui réalise tout le travail, grâce notamment à ImageMagick pour tout ce qui concerne la manipulation des images. Certaines options d'image2mpeg sont d'ailleurs directement issues d'ImageMagick, pour plus de consistance et une compatibilité parfaite.

January 2008

Heartbeat2 Xen cluster with drbd8 and OCFS2 -- Ubuntu Geek

This Article describes Heartbeat2 Xen cluster Using Ubuntu (7.10) OS, drbd8 and OCFS2 (Ver. 1.39) File system. Although here Ubuntu is used it can be done in almost same way with Debian Idea The idea behind the whole set-up is to get a High availability two node Cluster with redundant data. The two identical Servers are installed with Xen hypervisor and almost same configuration as Cluster nodes. The configuration and image files of Xen virtual machines are stored on drbd device for redundancy. Drbd8 and OCFS2 allows simultaneous mounting on both nodes, which is required for live migration of xen virtual machines.

Automating Xen Virtual Machine Deployment

While consolidating physical to virtual machines using Xen,we want to be able to deploy and manage virtual machines in the same way we manage and deploy physical machines. For operators and support people there should be no difference between virtual and physical installations. Integrating Virtual Machines with the rest of the infrastructure, should have a low impact on the existing infrastructure. Typically, Virtual machine vendors have their own tools to deploy and manage virtual machines. Apart from the vendor lock-in to that specific virtual machine platform , it requires the administrators to learn yet another platform that they need to understand and manage, something we want to prevent. This paper discusses how we integrated SystemImager with Xen, hence creating a totally open source deployment framework for the popular open source Virtual Machine monitor. We will document both development of our tools and go more in depth on other infrastructure related issues when using Xen System Imaging environments in combination with Virtual machines can also be used to ensure safe production deployments. By saving your current production image before updating to your new production image, you have a highly reliable contingency mechanism. If the new production environment is found to be flawed, simply roll-back to the last production image on the virtual machines with a simple update command! Xen has become one of the most popular virtualisation platforms over the last year, although not such a young project, it is now rapidly gaining acceptance in the corporate world as a valuable alternative to VMWare.