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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag form


Create a Photo Admin Site Using PHP and jQuery - NETTUTS

by 2 others (via)
I'm pleased to present you with part one of a two part series on creating a photo site using PHP, jQuery, and AJAX. Originally, I intended to fit the entire tutorial into one screencast, but that quickly became a pipe dream as I realized that there was simply too much to cover. Nevertheless, even if you only watch this first video, you should learn a great deal. We'll be retrieving images from a database, creating a simple login form with authentication, and will then allow for our database to be asynchronously updated. Sounds good? If so, let's get into it.

ID Selector

by 1 other
ID Selector: Quick Guide It's all about getting users signed into your website as quickly and efficiently as possible. It achieves this by providing a simple, consistent, provider neutral interface, and by educating the user about OpenID during the sign in process. In short, it makes OpenID easier for the end user and benefits both the relying parties and OpenID providers. What is the Selector? It's a widget that you add to the existing OpenID login form on your website. You embed a snippet of javascript code into your page, and it writes in an HTML button tag styled to match your CSS.

Panda - Open source video platform

by 2 others
Panda is an open source solution for video uploading, encoding and streaming. Unlike other video platforms, Panda is not just a service for encoding your videos for the web; Panda handles the whole process. From the upload form to streaming, Panda takes control. By providing an elegant REST API, Panda makes it completely painless to implement full video uploading, encoding and streaming functionality to your web application in a matter of hours. * Runs completely within Amazon's Web Services utilising EC2, S3 and SimpleDB. * Everything contained within one elegant Merb application. * Support for the numerous encoding profiles FFmpeg supports including FLV, h264 for Flash a iPhone formats. * Panda gem for painless integration with Ruby on Rails and Merb. * Lovely little admin dashboard for managing your videos.

Select multiple form fields - finding a better solution for multiple selection

by 3 others (via)
Un plugin jQuery permet de sélectionner via une liste déroulante et d'ordonner les résultats : Select multiple avec le plugin jQuery asm C'est pas encore l'idéal mais ça reste une meilleure solution que celle implémentée par défaut dans les navigateurs, il serait temps de faire évoluer un peu certaines interfaces utilisateurs obsolètes...

jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.29 (2008-06-26)

by 4 others
The Multiple File Upload Plugin (jQuery.MultiFile) is a non-obstrusive plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that helps users easily select multiple files for upload quickly and easily whilst also providing some basic validation functionality to help developers idenfity simple errors, without having to submit the form (ie.: upload files).

Le systeme Unlock d'iPhone pour remplacer les Captcha de protection

Voilà une idée vraiment géniale. Remplacer les Captcha ( numerique, alpha numerique, etc ...) souvent peu pénible car de plus en plus sécurisé, par un système tel que le Unlock du iPhone.

jNice, styled forms | jQuery Plugins

Create custom looking form elements, that function like normal form elements.


Artisan Numérique » Débarasser drupal du SPAM sans captchas

Les spams sont une véritable infection, ce n'est un secret pour personne. Et les solutions pour lutter contre ce fléau sont aussi nombreuses que moyennement satisfaisantes. Il peut s'agir de déléguer ce travail à un service dédié (ex. akismet), de les traiter à la main (ne riez pas, je l'ai fait pendant un temps Wink ) ou encore d'utiliser les fameux captchas, ces images illisibles qui sont d'une utilisation extrêmement désagréables pour les contributeurs. Ce que je vous propose ici c'est une implémentation avec Drupal qui n'a rien de révolutionnaire tout en étant très efficace. L'idée étant de vérifier que les commentaires (et tous les formulaires en fait) sont en toute probabilité écrits par un humain.

Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM //

by 8 others
File inputs are the bane of beautiful form design. No rendering engine provides the granular control over their presentation designers desire. This simple, three-part progressive enhancement provides the markup, CSS, and JavaScript to address the long-standing irritation.

Mettre en page un formulaire - Antoine's blog

by 3 others
e plus en plus, les formulaires deviennent un point crucial dans la conception d'un site internet. La question revient souvent, comment mettre en page un formulaire, de manière propre et accessible ? La réponse n'est pas simple, diverses écoles s'affrontent dans la façon de mettre en page les formulaires. J'en ai choisis une, que je juge être la meilleure. Les formulaires, depuis l'avènement du Web 2.0, deviennent non seulement de plus en plus omniprésent mais également de plus en plus complexe. De nouveaux éléments sont venu s'ajouter au fil des années, telle que des petites icônes permettant d'afficher l'état du champ (souvent, on rencontre "En cours de validation", "Champ valide" et "Champ erroné") ainsi que des messages d'aide ou d'erreur.


by 4 others (via)
Et un vérificateur de formulaire en plus..un. Celui-ci fonctionne avec moo.fx. Ce qui eld émarque des autres que j'ai pû voir, c'est la clareté de sa doc et l'apparente facilité d'usage. A noter que vous trouverez d'autres script s sur ce site suisse, tous clairement expliqués.

Tuning LAMP systems, Part 2: Optimizing Apache and PHP

Applications using the LAMP (Linux®, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl) architecture are constantly being developed and deployed. But often the server administrator has little control over the application itself because it's written by someone else. This series of three articles discusses many of the server configuration items that can make or break an application's performance. This second article focuses on steps you can take to optimize Apache and PHP. Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or Perl) form the basis of the LAMP architecture for Web applications. Many open source packages based on LAMP components are available to solve a variety of problems. As the load on an application increases, the bottlenecks in the underlying infrastructure become more apparent in the form of slow response to user requests. The previous article showed you how to tune the Linux system and covered the basics of LAMP and performance measurement. This article focuses on the Web server components, Apache and PHP.

fValidator - An open source (free) unobtrusive javascript tool for easy handling form validation

by 2 others
Nowadays everybody knows that javascript can be used to validate input data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a server. Despite of that, when there are many fields in the form, the JavaScript validation becomes too complex and boring to code. That's why fValidator exists, with it form validations are many times easier.

Styling form controls with CSS, revisited | 456 Berea Street

by 14 others
Styling form controls with CSS, revisited | 456 Berea Street


The Form Assembly - wForms - A Javascript Extension to Web Forms - The Form Assembly

by 7 others
wForms is an open-source, unobtrusive javascript library that adds commonly needed behaviors to traditional web forms without the need for any programming skill.



une innovation très pertinente dans le cas d'un formulaire : inclure des liens vers les champs qui posent problème lors de la validation.

Rad Upload :: HTTP File Upload With Drag and Drop

by 3 others (via)
Improve the user friendlines of your web site's file upload form with Rad Upload. Thanks to the drag and drop functionality your visitors can transfer files to your server just as easily as copying from one folder to another.


by 1 other
Welcome to the FormsGenerator website. The FormsGenerator is a WYSIWYG editor for creating forms. It's designed for non-programmers and allows the users to design their own forms like order forms, contact forms, request forms etc. in a webbrowser. The FormsGenerator is built using Microsoft.NET and XML, but can be integrated in any environment that supports SOAP. The FormsGenerator is Open Source and is free for you to use and is licenced through the LGPL licence.

camel's TAGS related to tag form

accessibility +   admin +   ajax +   apache +   application +   applications +   captcha +   check +   code +   configuration +   control +   css +   database +   design +   dom +   drag +   drop +   ergo +   error +   file +   flash +   formsgenerator +   formulaire +   generator +   html +   http +   images +   javascript +   jQuery +   linux +   moo +   openid +   optimize +   performance +   php +   plugin +   reference +   select +   server +   site +   slider +   spam +   streaming +   tutorial +   upload +   validation +   video +   web +   webdesign +   xhtml +