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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag email

December 2008

Ding It's up!

by 1 other (via)
Ding It's Up is a free service that alert's you via text (SMS) or email when a website goes down or when it comes back up. We will never send you a text/email unless it is to inform you about a website you information for - you can unsubscribe at any time. If you would like to talk to us just email us at [email protected] - Thanks!

November 2008

OpenInviter - Contacts importer integration with CMS like PunBB, JamRoom, Joomla and many more

by 1 other
Open source OpenInviter (Open Inviter) is an free import contacts (addressbook) script from email providers like Lycos,, Rediff, IndiaTimes, KataMail, AOL, OperaMail, Yandex, Terra, Rambler,,, Yahoo!,, GMail, Libero,, Live/Hotmail, FastMail or social portals like Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bebo, Friendster, Facebook,, Hi5, MySpace, Flixster, Perfspot, Orkut, Skyrock. This contacts importer script is integrating with content management systems (aka CMS) like Joomla, JamRoom, Drupal, SimpleMachines Forum (SMF), Wordpress, Social Engine, PunBB, Joomla1.0, PhpBB. Open Inviter is written in PHP 5 (no database required but cURL or wget required) and running on any webserver (tested on Apache) offering advanced tell a friend features. OpenInviter is a free self hosted solution that does not use a third party gateway (or API) to import contacts. Sounds cool! How much? OpenInviter is totally free and open-source solution. You can download it, change it, write plugins for it. Everything for free. What are you waiting for? Grab your OpenInviter today! Go to the Download section now! Features at a glance * Easy access to your visitors address book in all major email providers and social networks around the world. * Completely painless and easy way of integrating in your website. It takes virtually not more than 5 minutes to have your own OpenInviter up and running on your site. * Constant updates so that you can sit back and relax and always have access to the latest ways to get your visitor's address book. * WGET-ready! Yes, you read right! OpenInviter is the only contacts importer supporting both WGET and cURL as methods of handling requests (since version 1.2) so now you can use it on ANY server you want without the hassle of installing libcurl! * Real time access to the service statuses so you can know if there is an email provider that is not working right with OpenInviter.

October 2008

Getting Things Done (GTD) : Entrepreneur @Home

L'objectif de la méthode est de permettre d'être productif (et non pas efficace, mais j'y reviendrais dans un autre post) en toutes circonstances. C'est un mode d'emploi pour toutes les situations et taches répétitives auxquelles vous dvez faire face dans votre travail mensuel. Voici quelques unes des pistes :

Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix 2.3

The configuration described here is not very complicated but still needs to be done carefully. You are expected to have at least basic knowledge of: * MySQL (creating a database, granting access to users, basic SQL queries) * SMTP (what it is and what a basic SMTP dialog looks like) * POP3, IMAP (what they do and what the differences are) * basic Postfix configuration (understand the default settings in your, have read through the basic configuration document and know that your mail log file is at /var/log/mail.log) * Debian/Linux (general system administration, using a text editor, reading log files)

Drupal Postfix Integration Under Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

his document is derived from Christoph Haas’ tutorial “Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix” ( and Falko Timme’s tutorial “Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS)” ( The associated Mailfix Drupal module must be installed as part of this tutorial. It will guide you through the necessary steps to configure a Drupal driven Mail server. Provided features: * Drupal managed email accounts * Support for virtual domains * Automatic forwarding * Postfix quota support * Silent BCC monitoring * Other features: anti-spam, anti-virus

September 2008

POMPAGE - Comment vous assurer que vos emails HTML s’affichent correctement et arrivent à bon port ?

by 8 others (via)
Bien qu’assurer à un affichage homogène de vos emails soit déjà un défi en soi, vous avez encore du chemin à parcourir avant qu’ils arrivent effectivement dans la boîte de réception de vos abonnés. Tout le petit monde de la livraison d'emails a beaucoup changé ces dernières années. A l’origine, le contenu était roi. Tant que vous n’étiez pas sur liste noire et que le contenu de vos emails n’incluait pas trop de mots à connotation « spammesque », alors vous aviez de bonnes chances que votre email soit bien remis. Aujourd’hui, cependant, les moyens technologiques des fournisseurs d’accès et de filtrage de spam sont devenus beaucoup plus intelligents et agressifs. Qui envoie l’email est devenu plus important que ce que l’email dit. Les fournisseurs d’accès font cette distinction en observant les habitudes de transfert de leurs utilisateurs et l'utilisation qu'ils font du bouton « Marquer comme spam » afin de lier ces informations au domaine expéditeur et à son adresse IP. Si un de vos abonnés ouvre régulièrement vos emails, vous devriez être tranquille... mais si un certain nombre d'entre eux ne les ouvre que rarement et les marque comme du spam, alors il y a des chances que vous n’atteigniez plus les boîtes de réception. Connue sous le nom de Réputation Expéditeur, c'est le facteur le plus important pour la livraison de vos emails à bon port. Comme dans le monde réel, avoir une bonne réputation inspire la confiance, et si les fournisseurs d’accès ne vous font pas confiance, vous avez un problème.

XtraFile » XtraUpload v2

by 2 others
Written in PHP using the CodeIgniter Framework, XtraUpload has all the features you would expect from a file Hosting Script. Free users as well as premium users have the ability to upload files but premium users get a lot more features such as viewing files, instantly downloading files and getting the URL’s of the files they have uploaded. You can also specify the file types, sizes along with many other options. Each user must provide a valid email address when they sign up for premium as the script automatically sends the username and password to them upon reception of payment through PayPal IPN. File Hosting websites brings in large revenues and is a very easy system to setup thanks to XtraUpload.

spamgourmet - free disposable email addresses, spam blocker

by 1 other
Si vous donnez à tout le monde votre adresse de courrier électronique (courriel), vous recevez des spams et vous ne savez pas qui les envoie. Ne serait-il pas pratique de pouvoir donner une adresse différente à chaque société, à chaque site web, tout en continuant à recevoir votre courriel comme auparavant? Ne serait-il pas pratique que votre adresse soit désactivée automatiquement si elle commence à être spammée? Eh bien, c'est exactement ce que propose Spamgourmet! Il n'y a rien à installer sur votre machine. Et après vous être inscrit, vous n'aurez sans doute jamais plus besoin de revenir ici. C'est pour cela que Spamgourmet est une des meilleures façons d'éviter le spam. Libérez-vous du spam en 3 étapes

Bien gérer son courriel []

Vous avez l'impression de passer votre temps à lire et à répondre à vos courriers électroniques ? Vous êtes parfois tenté de baisser les bras et d'ignorer les messages qu'on vous envoie ? Il est peut-être temps de mettre de l'ordre dans votre gestion de l'e-mail. Un peu de discipline, de ménage et d'organisation et vous ne considérerez bientôt plus l'e-mail comme un ennemi quotidien. Suivez nos conseils !

August 2008

Filzmail : Une adresse email pour 24H

FilzMail est un site qui vous permet de créer une adresse email jetable pour une période de 24 heures, L’application est gratuite et très simple à mettre en route. Il suffit de cliquer pour générer un FilzMail et accéder directement à sa messagerie online pour consulter les emails que l’on ne voudrait pas forcemment recevoir sur une autre vraie adresse email. FilzMail est entièrement gratuit, et son interface très propre et agréable conviendra à tous les types d’utilisateurs.

July 2008 » Nine ways to obfuscate e-mail addresses compared

by 3 others
When displaying an e-mail address on a website you obviously want to obfuscate it to avoid it getting harvested by spammers. But which obfuscation method is the best one? I drove a test to find out. Here are the results: In 2006 I opened nine different e-mail addresses. On this page I published the nine e-mail addresses. But every address has been obfuscated by a different method. I made sure it’s getting indexed by Google by putting a link to that page on the homepage. Then I waited 1.5 years (see the original post). For each e-mail address I counted the amount of spam I received. The amount of spam received started by 21MB (for no obfuscation and a total of over 1800 spam mails) and went down to absolutely no spam.

April 2008

Redmine - Overview - Redmine

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Overview * Multiple projects support * Flexible role based access control. * Flexible issue tracking system * Gantt chart and calendar * News, documents & files management * Feeds & email notifications. * Per project wiki * Per project forums * Simple time tracking functionality * Custom fields for issues, projects and users * SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs) * Multiple LDAP authentication support * User self-registration support * Multilanguage support * Multiple databases support

Google Email Uploader - transferez vos emails et contacts depuis Outlook et Thunderbird sur Gmail

by 1 other
Google vient de mettre en service Google Email Uploader qui permet de transférer tous ces contacts et email provenant d'Outlook ou Thunderbird vers Gmail. Cette petite application installable ne fonctionne que si vous avez un compte sur Google Apps et non un compte Gmail classique. Maintenant, sachant que Google Apps Edition Standard est totalement gratuit, ça vaut peut être le coup d'ouvrir un compte et de tout transférer. En tout cas, pour les entreprises qui hésitaient à utiliser Google Apps pour éviter de devoir tout transférer manuellement, voilà une bonne nouvelle.

OF - Gérez vos emails avec David Allen GTDInbox V2

by 1 other
David Allen a mis en ligne récemment sur son site un document pdf gratuit de 4 pages dans lequel il explique les stratégies à mettre en oeuvre pour gérer aux mieux sa messagerie.

Qmail-Scanner - A Content Scanner for Qmail

by 2 others
Qmail-Scanner is an add-on that enables a Qmail email server to scan gatewayed email for certain characteristics (i.e. a content scanner). It is typically used for its anti-virus and anti-spam protection functions, in which case it is used in conjunction with external scanners. It also enables a site (at a server/site level) to create "Policy blocks": i.e. react to email that contains specific strings in particular headers, or particular attachment filenames or types (e.g. *.VBS attachments).

February 2008

Artica for Postfix, a full Postfix Management console

by 1 other
You are not a Linux expert, Artica for Postfix allows you to install a full solution by one single command line: * Postfix: Main MTA * Kaspersky Anti-spam: powerfull Anti-spam provided by Kaspersky Inc * Kaspersky Anti-Virus * Bogofilter : Bayesian anti-spam * OpenLDAP: Database for main configuration and user management * emailrelay: little SMTP server (used as a content-filter) * SQLite library: zeroconf sql database engine with high perfomances. * Cyrus-imap: powerfull MDA System * Procmail: MDA Filter * Fetchmail: Email retreival * DnsMasq:DNS forwarder and DHCP server * Mailman:Mailing List manager * Sieve: End-user mail filters * Yorel script: Statistics of yorel * QueueGraph: Statistics for postfix * MailGraph: Statistics for postfix * AWSTats and geoip plugin: Statistics set for postfix * renattach: attachments filter

apricoti wiki / NagiosCheckEmailDelivery

The check_email_delivery plugin allows you to send an email message and then check that it was received. This is also called checking an email loop. This is accomplished through two additional plugins (included), called check_smtp_send and check_imap_receive. As of version 0.5, you can also use other plugins to do create the loop. This project includes: check_smtp_send - connects to an SMTP server and sends a message check_imap_receive - connects to and searches an IMAP account for messages check_email_delivery - sends email and verifies delivery using other plugins You can use check_smtp_send and check_imap_receive independently, and you can use check_email_delivery to check that an email loop is working.

January 2008

HOWTO Spam Filtering with Spamdyke in front of Qmail - Gentoo Linux Wiki

This HOWTO should give an overview on using spamdyke SMTP filter in front of the mail-mta/netqmail mailserver. From the spamdyke website: spamdyke is a filter for monitoring and intercepting SMTP connections between a remote host and a qmail server. When a connection is established from a spam source (as determined by the active filters), spamdyke will reject the email -- qmail never sees it.

NagiosExchange: Categories: Check Plugins

This plugin is written in python and does two things each time it runs : 1 - Sends an email containing an id to a specified address, and stores the id to a specified file. 2 - Checks a specified pop3 account to see if the previous message was received. Usage : --relay --popserver --popuser --poppassword --to --from --idfile

December 2007

Nourish – RSS to Email Service – Blog Powered Newsletters

Nourish is a next generation newsletter service which allows you to take any RSS feed from content you publish (like a blog), and convert it into an automated email newsletter your readers can subscribe to. We want you to focus on creating great content. We’ll take care of the rest.

camel's TAGS related to tag email

address +   alert +   anti-spam +   antispam +   application +   backup +   blog +   chiffrage +   cms +   collaboration +   configuration +   convert +   couriel +   database +   dns +   e-mail +   encoding +   fax +   file +   formulaire +   free +   gateway +   gestion +   gestion-de-projet +   gmail +   google +   gtd +   guide +   hosting +   howto +   html +   install +   internet +   javascript +   jetable +   linux +   list +   log +   mail +   mailinglist +   maillinglist +   management +   migration +   mobile +   monitoring +   mysql +   nagios +   newsletter +   notifier +   obfuscate +   obfuscated +   opensource +   pgp +   php +   plugin +   postfix +   project +   python +   qmail +   roundcube +   rss +   rsync +   script +   security +   server +   serveur +   setup +   sfp +   share +   site +   sms +   smtp +   social +   software +   spam +   standard +   svn +   sync +   temporaire +   trac +   tutorial +   twitter +   ubuntu +   upload +   veille +   vmware +   vqmail +   web +   website +