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PUBLIC MARKS from cadu



yDSF - Robust CSS Drop Shadows

by 11 others
We needed drop shadows that would be as simple to add to a page as possible. With that in mind, yDSF was created to meet the following requirements:<br /> <br /> <br>* Pure CSS (no tables)</br><br /> <br>* As little extra markup as possible</br><br /> <br>* Scalable to arbitrary width/height boxes, </br>without special-case images<br /> <br>* Best-of-breed display on modern CSS2+ browsers (Mozilla, Safari)</br><br /> <br>* Reasonable fallback for Internet Explorer (5+)</br>

UrbanGiraffe » WordPress Theme Guide

by 5 others
WordPress Theme Guide<br /> <br /> Dissection of a WordPress theme:<br /> <br /> * Part one - Pulling it apart<br /> * Part two - Complete design, header, and footer<br /> * Part three - The sidebar<br /> * Part four - The content

Charles | Web Debugging Tool, HTTP Monitor, Reverse Proxy

Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).

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