public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bnation

06 February 2006

05 February 2006

03 February 2006


by 2 others
click and drag to make a snowflake

02 February 2006

ashes and snow

by 4 others
Exhibit of sepia photographs of exotic animals with people, as displayed in the Nomadic Museum. (Philip sent this.)

31 January 2006

Literary Kicks

Levi Asher was first to put the Beats on the Web, back in 1994.

30 January 2006

29 January 2006

28 January 2006


by 4 others
Move mp3 files from iPod to Mac

27 January 2006

BC BookWorld

Searchable database of 8118 British Columbia authors.

Mac Specialist

by 13 others
Essential Mac OS X applications

26 January 2006

Michael Geist

Canada Research Chair in Internet & E-commerce Law, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law

22 January 2006


Photos taken in Vancouver of Allen Ginsberg, Leonard Cohen, and others

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