public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bicou

May 2006


by 1 other
Wordpress template

Kazboard - Free phpbb forum hosting

by 1 other
free phpbb forum hosting - instant signup get your free forum today


by 35 others
Reflection.js 1.5 allows you to add reflections to images on your webpages. It uses unobtrusive javascript to keep your code clean. It works in all the major browsers - Internet Explorer 5.5+, Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+ and Safari. On older browser

April 2006

Mint: A Fresh Look at Your Site

by 21 others
Mint helps you identify where the most interest is being generated and over what.

March 2006

Lightbox JS v2.0

by 89 others
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. - Domain Hacks

by 2 others
Domain hack search utility

Web Creme

by 53 others
Web design inspiration


by 26 others
Create personal search engines using only the sources you trust. Relevant. Reliable. Rollyo.

Layout Gala

by 104 others
a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download!

Sparkline PHP Graphing Library

Sparklines are "intense, simple, wordlike graphics"

Content with Style

by 7 others
Brand new and just launched, we'd like to show web developers ways to use and reuse their code. Find your way to our articles, event calendar and hand-picked selection of links from other interesting places.

by 199 others provides you with easy-to-use, compatible and, ultimately, totally cool JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly, Web 2.0 style. Addendum: holy fuck, sweeeeet!

Prototype JavaScript Framework

by 96 others
An object-oriented Javascript library


by 69 others
superlightweight, ultratiny, megasmall javascript effects library,

bicou's TAGS


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ajax   css   dev   diz   graph   html   img   js   php   whois