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PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags your & how

May 2008

The Formula for a Successful Term Paper

Although the size of your term paper or research paper will dictate how simple or complex each of these three components of your paper will be, beginning with this simple formula in mind will make the task of writing much easier.

How to Get Your Credit Report

Credit report is available free of cost. You can obtain the credit report from any of the 3 main agencies. Here is how to get your credit report.

How to Show Your SEO Clients Proof of Your Efforts

One challenge that faces SEO firms is that if you improve organic search traffic for a client, how do you demonstrate how much of the growth you are responsible for?

Preview Britneys 2nd appearance on Mother

Britney Spears appears again on How I Met Your Mother, here is a preview. At least she looks cleaned up and she s speaking coherent English.

How to Set Up An Editorial Calendar For Your Blog

Draw up an editorial calendar for your blog and you will get more organized and might even draw in more regular readers.

Coitado: Ronaldo and the three transvestites

What do you do when you get caught with your pants down with three tranny hookers? How do you explain that you, an internationally-known soccer superstar, went out prowling the streets in search of some cheap hot ladies, but ended up with three busted ladyboys?

How to Find the Best Savings Account for You

Here is how to find the best savings account for you and your money.

How to Start a Term Paper

Some call it writer’s block but whatever makes term papers tough to start are major hurdles towards moving on to the meat of the paper. Here are a few tricks that will guarantee you never struggle with your opening sentence again.

How Rich Will I Be? Answer the Questions to Find Out

Answer the questions in this fun online quiz to find out how much money you will make in your lifetime!

Fertilizing Your Rose Bushes

Fertilizer is, simply put, food for roses. If you feed your bushes a healthy, nutritional diet, they will take the fertilizer and turn it into big, beautiful blooms. Here is how to fertilize properly.

Home insurance can make May Day worry-free

The May bank holiday weekend can be an exciting and chaotic time for those travelling and it is all too easy to forget how simple precautions can protect your home

How to Pick a Great Name for Your Blog

You know what you want to blog about and you have picked your platform. Now you need a great name for your blog. Here is how to pick one.

How to Pick the Best Credit Card for You

Picking the best credit card can be tricky with all of the offers out there. Here is how to master your credit card spending.

April 2008

Several Ways You Can be Wealthier

In these hard-hitting recession times, don t you want to know how you can make your money last longer? Here are several ways.

How to Find the Best Blogging Platform For You

Smarter Than Your Average Blog talks about how to choose the best blogging platform for you.

How to Efficiently Cut Your Energy Use

Cold drafts are often thought to be the thought to be the number reason why so many electricity bills are so high.

How Much Can I Save If I Unplug Something?

All you need to do is plug any of your appliances or household devices into the Kill-A-Watt and this innovative little device will provide you with more data than is necessary at an accuracy rate of 2%.

March 2008

Britney brings eyeballs to Mother

Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Britney s guest appearance on How I Met Your Mother gave the show its highest ratings ever. The critics blew Britney plenty of kisses too.

Montessori Classroom Methods

You may have driven past one in your area, or heard the name when looking for a school for your child, and wondered, What is Montessori? Take some time to read about what a Montessori school is and how it differs from most traditional schools.

Making Domains Your Business [Domain Names]

Even though there s not a NASDAQ or S amp;P 500 for domain investors, industry insiders all know how steeply the domain market rose in 2007.

How to a Survey - Survey Basics

Survey Research can be broken down into 5 simple steps. That is to say, breaking the process down is simple. How difficult the individual steps are depends on the size and scope of your project. Try to take each step individually.

February 2008

Re-Model and Save Money on your Electric Bill

During this re-modeling, no matter how small it could be, take the chance to evaluate ways to reduce energy usage and make some changes to help make your house more efficient in the future.

StumbleUpon Graveyard

A few things will kill a stumble, sending no traffic and sending the page to a quiet death. I present for your horror the StumbleUpon Graveyard and how posts are dragged down to its bowels, I will even provide tips to avoid such a fate..

ust How Much Traffic Can You Get From Social Media Websites?

If you get your content right, social media sites can send 10’s of thousands of visitors to your site in a short space of time. But how much traffic do these social media sites really send?

January 2008

How To Create Your Property Into A Whitetail Deer Paradise

Up until 1995 we, me, family, and friends shot every buck that gave us a opportunity and did not shoot does. All that change in 1995 when I shot a buck that scored in the 120’s. After that day I stared doing research on how to get bigger deer.