public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags your & do

January 2009

How Your Business Can Survive a Utility Disruption

Preparing for utilities disruption is a critical step that your business continuity plan cannot do without. Here is how to create a business continuity plan so your business can survive a utility disruption.

November 2008

Search Engine Optimization Tip 24: Links Across Domains

This search engine optimization tip has to do with your links: spread your link footprint across multiple domain names.

October 2008

Search Engine Optimization Tip 20: Check Whois on Domain

Search engine optimization tip 20 is about checking the whois on your domain name. Do you own your domain?

More Than Willpower: The Psychology of Successful Weight Loss

So many factors can make or break a weight loss program. Here is why your weight loss program may fail and what you can do about it.

6 Steps to Keeping your Furnace Running Efficiently

Pay attention to your home comfort system and give it a little TLC and it can reward you with years of efficient, money-saving comfort. Here are a few easy things you can do to keep it running smoothly.

August 2008

What to Do About Flooded Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment

Before attempting to salvage or operate water-damaged HVAC equipment, make safety your first priority. Here is what to do if your HVAC equipment was in a flood.

July 2008

What is a Credit Restoration Consultant?

Whatever they do is legal as they utilize laws enacted by Congress to dispute negative, incorrect and out of date information contained within your credit report.

How to Make Rose Beads from Rose Bushes

Making rose beads from rose bushes is not really that hard. It is also a great project that you can do with your kids this summer. Here is how to make rose beads from rose bushes.

June 2008

The Dos and Do Nots of Good Credit Behavior

Wising up to the dos and do nots of credit will help significantly in improving your relationship with money and boosting your credit score.

May 2008

How to Show Your SEO Clients Proof of Your Efforts

One challenge that faces SEO firms is that if you improve organic search traffic for a client, how do you demonstrate how much of the growth you are responsible for?

Who is Optimizing YOUR Web Site?

Many times a company will use a web design firm to create the site in a search engine friendly manner, but many of firms do not do a full analysis of the needs of the web site.

Coitado: Ronaldo and the three transvestites

What do you do when you get caught with your pants down with three tranny hookers? How do you explain that you, an internationally-known soccer superstar, went out prowling the streets in search of some cheap hot ladies, but ended up with three busted ladyboys?

April 2008

How Much Can I Save If I Unplug Something?

All you need to do is plug any of your appliances or household devices into the Kill-A-Watt and this innovative little device will provide you with more data than is necessary at an accuracy rate of 2%.

19 Things You Can Do to Cut Credit Card Costs

Here is a list of nineteen things you can do right now that will help you cut your credit costs.

February 2008

ust How Much Traffic Can You Get From Social Media Websites?

If you get your content right, social media sites can send 10’s of thousands of visitors to your site in a short space of time. But how much traffic do these social media sites really send?

January 2008

John Edwards Gets David Letterman Haircut

What do you do when you re not going to win your party s nomination? Go play with your hair. While Barack and Hillary are off fighting like a couple of Thai stewardesses, Edwards took the bold step of letting David Letterman mess up his $400 haircut.

Network Solutions Domain registration hijacks your domain lookups and auto-registers it?

Do a domain lookup in network solutions, and they automatically register your domain, put up a parking page, and make sure you can t register it from other registrars! Don t believe it?

December 2007

Things to do with an old cell / mobile phone

There must be millions of old cell phones festering away in drawers, forgotten and unloved, and soon to be consigned ingloriously to the rubbish dump. But before you send your ancient phone packing, check out our tips on how to squeeze that last little bit of juice out of your old pal.