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PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags what & google


Google Local Carousel and Impact on Local Business

All about the new Google Local Carousel feature, and what it means for local businesses like hotels.


What Google Search Plus Your World Means to Your SEO Strageg

On January 10th, 2012, Google s search results underwent what some are calling a radical transformation. Google has begun integrating content that has been shared privately and combined it with public content in the search results. Here is what Google Search Plus Your World means for search engine optimization.


Google Acquires Illegal Google Plus .com IDN Domain Name

In an effort to protect their Google Plus social network, Google recently acquired .com. The problem is that .com, aka is not allowed. It s an illegal domain name. IDN characters are not allowed or available in the .com TLD. Google, what were you thinking when you purchased this IDN .com domain name? I hope you did not pay too much f

Google Places Listings in Search Results

If you search at Google for a keyword phrase that includes a city name, most likely Google will show Google Places listings as part of the Google search results. But optimizing for this has become increasingly difficult, since what Google shows and when they show it is so inconsistent. Here is how Google Places is different than the Google web resu


Problems with Google Places Uncovered

Google’s recent search update where they have pulled places listings into the organic results is generating some errors in accuracy. Rob over at Standing Dog has uncovered some pretty interesting issues regarding Google Places and their integrated search results. Read the Google Places blog post to earn exactly what the problems that have been unco

Google Issues Search Engine Optimization Report Card

Google has issued what they are calling an SEO Report Card, an effort to provide Google’s product teams with ideas on how they can improve their products’ pages using simple and accepted optimizations.

What is the Average Load Speed of Your Website?

I am pretty certain that after reading the title of this post that you thought about the speed of your site but could not pin it to a precise number because it is a metric you never worry about. Well, it is time to start paying attention to this site metric, because it may be a factor in your rankings in Google in 2010.


Using the New Google Adwords Keyword Tool API

Upon the new release of the Google Adwords interface, you can see that it comes complete with Opportunities, including suggestions on keywords that could be added to your campaigns. Here is what you need to know about the new Google Adwords Keyword Tool API.

How to Fetch Your Web Page as Googlebot

Now you can see how your web page appears how Googlebot sees it. Log into Google Webmaster Tools and tell Google which page you wish to view. Google will crawl the web page and show you the results of what they see.

Google Caffeine: An SEO Analysis

Here is a comprehensive list of what appears to have changed in the new Google Caffeine.

Google PageRank Sculpting and Effects on SEO

Google has been making updates on how they treat Google PageRank Sculpting and how they treat the NoFollow tag. Here is what you really need to know.

Eye Tracking Study: Google versus Bing

What is interesting to note is that sponsored links are attracting more attention than they are on Google.

Fame: Finding Something When you Google It

It is simply amazing what you can find when you Google something. Or is it?


Google Response to Google Bandwidth Report

Google responds to the report, saying that the report Mr. Cleland issued today -- alleging that Google is somehow unfairly consuming network bandwidth -- is just the latest in what one blogger called his payola punditry.

Google AdWords Display URL Policy Reaches Local PPC Advertisers

Beginning April 1, 2008, Google has officially changed their display URL policy. In short, what that means is that the URL that shows in your ad absolutely must be the URL that visitors get to when they click on your ad.

Monetization Monday: Google AdSense 101

When a friend of mine first decided to use Google AdSense in his blog, I was skeptical - until about he showed me his first hundred-dollar check from Google. From then on, I was a believer. It took him just thirty minutes to show me what to do.

Google Tests Site Links Search with Microsoft

From what I can tell, and from the short amount of testing that I have done, the search box appears when you search for Microsoft at It looks to me that it is nothing but a Google custom search engine, or simply a site: command search of the domain, which includes all of their subdomains.

Google Sitelinks explained

To some, Google Sitelinks are the ultimate endorsement of a website or ‘blog. While there are many clear advantages, knowing how to gain Sitelinks has always been something of a dark art — more guess work than hard work. But what if I said I knew a way?