public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags technology & engine


Why Social Validation is the New Search Engine Optimization

You probably have heard me preach it before: if at all possible, for search engine optimization purposes, your web site should include a blog or other section. Here is why your SEO Strategy must include social validation.

Effective Title Tag for Search Engine Optimization

Web Sites need effective Title Tags to help improve search engine rankings for target keywords. Standing Dog Interactive has some tips on writing effective Title Tags.

Search Engine Optimization Firms Sending Email Spam

It is unfortunate that search engine optimization firms like Rankpay have to resort to sending unsolicited commercial email (aka spam) to try to drum up business. realize that if you send out 1 million emails telling unsuspecting businesses that they can rank better in the search engines you will most likely get some responses from unsuspect


Google’s Updated Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide SEO Tips

Now, we have a new version of the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide. As my buddy Barry factors out, one of many better takeaways from this new model will be the up to date Googlebot. The best a part of the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Manual is really the 3 main takeaways from this Seo Manual. Lots of the info on this

No SEO for Web Marketing Association Best Web Sites

The Web Marketing Association has called the best Web Sites in 96 various classes. The awards are out today. I took a look at the top award successful web websites and the internet websites of those who created them: and am horrified to determine a lack of fundamental search engine optimization techniques being applied.

Will Your Facebook Store Help with Search Engine Optimization

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we ask ecommerce experts questions from online merchants. For this installment, we address a question about the search engine implications from selling on Facebook. The question comes from Brian M. Almashie, vice president of ecommerce for, a retailer for Wild Planet toys.

Do Product Videos Help with Search Engine Optimization?

Having videos of your products will help your ecommerce sales. Visitors to your site will watch the videos, and it will presumably help their buying decisions. But what about the search engines? How will posting a product video on your website help with search engine optimization?

SEO Tip: How to Remove a Page from Google

This search engine optimization tip has to do with removing a page or a specific URL from the Google search engine. Their interface has changed recently, so you may want to read about how to remove a web page from Google using Google Webmaster Tools.

Conductor Launches Searchlight Search Engine Optimization Sy

Conductor, a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technology company, has launched Conductor Searchlight, a full-featured search engine optimization (SEO) operating system. Conductor spent many months of testing the product with 30 customers and has finally made it available to everyone.

Local Search Engine Marketing Event Being Held in Dallas

Google cautiously states that twenty percent of all searches have a local intent. And Google goes on to say that they only display a map in about eight percent of the search results. The monthly DFWSEM Meeting about Local Search, is being held on Wednesday, May 19th at 6:30 pm at the Renaissance Hotel in Richardson, Texas.

Search Engine Optimization: Adding Content to your Web Site

For this search engine optimization tip, lets talk more about content and adding content to your web site.

Search Engine Optimization in 2010: What You Need to Know

If you are confused already about search engine optimization, here are my expert thoughts about search engine optimization in 2010, based on my experience.

Search Engine Optimization in 2010: What You Need to Know

If you want to use search engine optimization best practices or want to get updated on the latest search engine optimization techniques, then there are a lot of good SEO resources to keep you up to date. Here is what you really need to know.

Search Engine Optimization: Google Showing Top Links

An interesting development today in the Google search results. The latest development is the fact that Google is publicly showing top links for certain keyword phrases.

Managing a Search Engine Optimization Project

While there are a lot of daily and monthly search engine optimization tasks out there that absolutely must be done every month, you do not have to do everything. Here is how to properly manage a search engine optimization project.

SortPrice Store Facebook Application Tops 1000 Retailers

Proving yet again a real commitment to opening new avenues of success for online merchants everywhere, comparison shopping engine has now built virtual stores for more than 1,000 retailers through its Merchant Store application on Facebook.

How Search Engine Optimization Adds Value to a Website

Do you really need to invest even more money into search engine optimization? After all, hiring a great search engine optimization company can be expensive. So how exactly does search engine optimization add value to a website? Let’s look at some specific examples that prove that investing in search engine optimization is, in fact, a great investme

CheapTweet Upgrades Its Social Deals Search Engine, a major Twitter-based social deals search engine site, has launched CheapTweet Version 2, in celebration of indexing over 5 million deals online to offer users an better social shopping experience.

Search Engine Optimization and Network Marketing: How to Get More Leads

So, what can you do if you are a network marketer and want to bring in more network marketing leads? What if you have already spent money on a multi level marketing œprogram and want to get more people in your network?

Google Issues Search Engine Optimization Report Card

Google has issued what they are calling an SEO Report Card, an effort to provide Google’s product teams with ideas on how they can improve their products’ pages using simple and accepted optimizations.

Search Engine Optimization: Why We Still Need Meta Tags

Combined with the title tag, I still believe that as online marketers we absolutely need to make sure that we continue to populate these meta tags correctly and appropriately on all pages of our websites or our clients websites even though some search engines do not use certain tags for ranking purposes.

Search Engine Optimization: Should You Optimize for LeapFish

So, if you are optimizing your web site for search engines, using the latest search engine optimization tips and search engine optimization best practices, should you optimize your web site for the LeapFish search engine?


Sequoia Invests in Kenshoo and Search Engine Marketing Automation Technology

Is Jason Calacanis now in the search engine marketing automation business? Perhaps not, but an interesting investment by Sequoia Capital, the company that where Jason Calacanis serves as “Entrepreneur in Action”, puts Mr. Calacanis a little closer to being in the SEM automation business.