public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags president & about


Will Your Facebook Store Help with Search Engine Optimization

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we ask ecommerce experts questions from online merchants. For this installment, we address a question about the search engine implications from selling on Facebook. The question comes from Brian M. Almashie, vice president of ecommerce for, a retailer for Wild Planet toys.


Bark Bite ponders the 2009 Presidential Inauguration

Pondering the presidential campaign this year, we have been inundated and hit with questions about what our next president will do once he (or she) gets into office next January.

Voxant Inverviews Ashkan Karbasfrooshan from Watchmojo

We talked with the president of Watchmojo, Ashkan Karbasfrooshan and asked him some questions about his company, the blogosphere and the internet in general.