public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags do & that

April 2008

19 Things You Can Do to Cut Credit Card Costs

Here is a list of nineteen things you can do right now that will help you cut your credit costs.

March 2008

Why Do People Really Read Blogs Anyway?

A good blog is one that recognizes the readers insatiable appetite for the new. A smart blog is one that uses the many tools out there to get the new automatically.

What Do An English Pub and Social Media Have in Common?

Matt Bailey offers up an excellent article this week that draws a poignant analogy between social media marketing and the traditional English Pub.

February 2008

5 Things Shoppers Do Not Want from Online Retailers

Here is a list of 5 things that I feel hinders my online shopping experiences, and make me think twice before making an online purchase.

Do A-Listers Really Still Promote Text-Link-Ads?

This week I decided that I wanted to spend some time catching up with some of the ‘make money online’ and ‘internet marketing‘ blogs that I’ve been neglecting for a while. I got caught up on some of the posts I’ve missed, and I’m always amazed when I do this at how much real talent there is out there.

Microsoft Bids for Yahoo! Wrapup

By now you have probably heard the news that Microsoft has made a bid for Yahoo!. Since so many people are covering it I thought it would be best to do a end of day wrapup about the proposed Microsoft Yahoo! news.

January 2008

The Top Five Coolest Geek Detective Degrees

In the 21st century, geeks are empowered as never before. Not only do they enjoy an image of sophisticated hipness, they represent the technological elite with the power to spawn fortunes, invent weird contraptions, and yes, even bust criminals. That s right. Geek detectives represent the newest addition to the rich, proud heritage of geek-dom. In that spirit, let s check out the top five degrees for geek detectives.

Dewey Defeats Truman - New Hampshire Political Update

Today is the day for pundits to explain why they - as they so often do - got it so wrong in New Hampshire last night. My favorite excuse comes from MSNBC s Chris Matthews. According to His Chrisness, quot;the people of New Hampshire lied to me quot; when it came to polling. That must be what it is. It s just not possible that all those windbags are too busy stoking their own egos to pay any attention to what s actually going on out there, right?

Real Estate Career Changes - WTF?

Is interactive marketing the new easy way to make money? Should we be expecting a ton of speculators coming in now that the housing market is in such decline? I mean, these people have to do something. I m seeing increased interest in domaining and other things, and now these former realtors think they can hang out a shingle and do SEO? I m very scared.

December 2007

Do You Ignore the Advice That You Pay to Receive?

Why do individuals ignore advice? Is it due to stubbornness, pride, or lack of confidence in the person giving the advice? The latter sometimes happens when we are young adults, especially when the advice is from our parents.