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PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags "Search Engine Marketing" & your


How Dating is Just Like Search Engine Marketing

Follow these best practices in both dating and search engine marketing, and soon you ll be spending your time with Mr or Mrs Right!


Search Engine Optimization Tip: Keywords in URLs

Here is why it is important for search engine optimization to include your keywords in your filenames and in your URLs.

Search Engine Optimization: Is Social Sharing the Next Link Building?

From a search engine’s perspective, the theory here is that most likely you are sharing something with your friends because you like it. You like that URL enough that you want to share it with everyone who is following you. That is now a link.


What If Your Paid Search Manager Goes Missing?

If your paid search manager suddenly fell off the face of the Earth could you pick up where they left off easily without having to contact anyone for logins? Here is what do do if your paid search manager is missing in action.