public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags "Search Engine Marketing" & tech

January 2011

Effective Title Tag for Search Engine Optimization

Web Sites need effective Title Tags to help improve search engine rankings for target keywords. Standing Dog Interactive has some tips on writing effective Title Tags.

December 2010

Search Engine Optimization Tip: Keywords in URLs

Here is why it is important for search engine optimization to include your keywords in your filenames and in your URLs.

Problems with Google Places Uncovered

Google’s recent search update where they have pulled places listings into the organic results is generating some errors in accuracy. Rob over at Standing Dog has uncovered some pretty interesting issues regarding Google Places and their integrated search results. Read the Google Places blog post to earn exactly what the problems that have been unco

August 2010

How to Transition from PPC to Organic Search

If you are spending too much money for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, then you likely have considered moving away from PPC and towards organic search results. After all, if you rank well in the organic, or natural, search results, you can spend a lot less money on PPC.

May 2010

Local Search Engine Marketing Event Being Held in Dallas

Google cautiously states that twenty percent of all searches have a local intent. And Google goes on to say that they only display a map in about eight percent of the search results. The monthly DFWSEM Meeting about Local Search, is being held on Wednesday, May 19th at 6:30 pm at the Renaissance Hotel in Richardson, Texas.

April 2010

Search Engine Optimization in 2010: What You Need to Know

If you are confused already about search engine optimization, here are my expert thoughts about search engine optimization in 2010, based on my experience.