public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tag brazil

February 2006

FILE - Electronic Language International Festiva

FILE - Electronic Language International Festival is opening registrations for its seventh edition, that will be held at Sesi Paulista's cultural space, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the period from August 14 to September 3, 2006. Subscriptions are open from Febraury 10 to March 31, 2006. Submissions are free and open to professionals, researchers and students of the electronic language.

January 2006

Fabio Seixas, versão txt: Os 20 mais influentes da Internet do Brasil em 99

"Hoje fiz uma arrumação no armário e dentre muitas coisas velhas achei uma edição intacta, ainda dentro do envelope de plástico, da revista Internet World, edição número 40 de dezembro de 98. A materia da capa: As 20 Personalidades Mais Influentes na Internet do Brasil em 99." Achei que seria interessante publicar os nomes aqui e descobrir o que esse pessoal anda fazendo hoje em dia.

October 2005

The Escapist - Console Clones

"Brazil is a country of seasoned, passionate players that have chosen a different path to video game enlightenment. But the whole of South America represents about 2% of the world video game industry, which is hardly going to capture the interest of avaricious conglomerates. Market reports and industry analysts quickly and efficiently sweep this gaping hole under the rug by blaming the region's slow economic growth, under investment in the ICT infrastructure and the stereotyped assumption that everyone who lives there is on the breadline."