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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tag article

February 2006

History of: The Shining Series

Very few RPG series stand the test of time. Sure, a few sequels might spring up here and there over the course of a few years, but how many of them last for over a decade? I can think of a couple, like Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Zelda, and perhaps a few others. These all have their charm and place in gaming history, to be sure. There is one franchise, however, that while not exactly a series per se, it has endured in one incarnation or another for almost fifteen years.

Past Issues - UI Design Newsletter

Kath Straub, Ph.D., CUA, Chief Scientist of HFI, looks at how to select the best menu presentation style for a given application.

[print version] Games that stick it to 'The Man' | CNET

Known as "anti-advergames," the new titles satirize big companies and question corporate polices ranging from how cattle are raised to low pay for workers.

TenSpot: Top Ten Rhythm Games

Though rhythm games arguably had their heyday 5 to 10 years ago, recent releases have shown us that the genre has still got it, and it continues to improve every step of the way. We now take a look back at the top 10 rhythm games of all time, leaving no platform unturned and letting no region-encoding stand in our way. As with every TenSpot, the games listed aren't in any particular order, so don't go reading between the lines, thinking we've ranked them. All of these games stand as equals in their collective greatness.

January 2006

Trópico - A revolução da TV digital

A televisão está prestes a passar por uma grande transformação: trocar o padrão analógico pelo digital. Para refletir sobre a TV digital e o futuro da difusão maciça de imagens, Trópico realizou, em parceria com a Pinacoteca do Estado, um debate com Roberto Moreira, diretor do longa-metragem “Contra todos” (2004) e professor do departamento de cinema, rádio e televisão da ECA- USP, e Mara Gama, jornalista, gerente geral de entretenimento do UOL.

The New Gamer | Averaging Gradius

After I created a demo video as a proof-of-concept (which consisted of me playing a short section of the game several times) I invited people to send me gameplay recordings. I ended up with 15 different submissions, including my own.

Next Generation - Analysis: History of Cell-Phone Gaming

Mobile gaming is changing from its early days of rip-offs of classic, low-tech 2D games and ugly 3D games that are too ambitious for the platform. As a gaming platform it's gaining momentum in a big way.

The Essential 50 Part 44: Parappa the Rapper from

Graphics and images have been an integral part of every game ever made -- it's a visual medium, after all. What you see is what you get. Even the most primitive games that couldn't draw proper images onscreen at least gave you ASCII art or text. And so it went, throughout gaming history, until Parappa the Rapper finally brought a new sense into play: in NanaOn-Sha's PSone masterpiece, you had to rely on your ears as much as your eyes.

Brinquedos dos anos 80 - Autobahn - Genius

Genius foi a reprodução eletrônica da brincadeira "Simon Says" ("Siga o mestre..." no Brasil), virou um "must have" nos 80 por aqui. A Disco e suas fortes luzes da pista de dança estavam em alta nos EUA, exatamente por isso, o SIMON ("Simon Says...") foi lançado no natal de 78, em uma casa noturna de Nova Iorque, a inesquecível Studio 54, point Disco da cidade. Vários artistas da Disco apareciam na propaganda original, sempre dentro de uma casa noturna, jogando o Genius (na verdade, o Simon) e dançando Disco, e as luzes no ritmo da música... isso conquistou o público na época.

Atari Gaming Headquarters - Atari Touchme

Atari's token entry into the handheld market during the classic era was actually a portable version of its unsuccessful coin-op game. Touch Me was a simple yet addictive game but never caught on, but its fun factor was confirmed by the popularity of Milton Bradley's Simon (an imitation of Touch Me by Ralph Baer), which proved to be a runaway best seller for the toy giant.

Music video game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A music video game, also commonly known as a music game, rhythm action game, or rhythm game, is a type of video game where the gameplay is oriented almost entirely around the player's ability to follow a musical beat and stay with the rhythm of the game's soundtrack. Since the game play for this type of game is largely aural rather than visual, this type of game is similar to audio games. However, music games generally require a visual component as well.

Vib-Ribbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vib-Ribbon is a rhythm video game in the style of PaRappa the Rapper and more recently Amplitude. The game was unique in its execution, the software loaded into RAM enabling the user to remove the game-disc and insert a music CD.

Data Mining 101: Finding Subversives with Amazon Wishlists | Applefritter

Vast deposits of personal information sit in databases across the internet. Terms used in phone conversations have become the grounds for federal investigation. Reputable organizations like the Catholic Worker, Greenpeace, and the Vegan Community Project, have come under scrutiny by FBI "counterterrorism" agents.

15 Seconds : A Step-by-Step Guide To Using MySQL with ASP.NET - Part 1

Back in the days of classic ASP, if you were building a database-driven web site, your choice was either to invest a lot of money to get a copy of Microsoft SQL Server (or some other enterprise-ready database) or invest a lot of time finding a way to deal with the performance and scalability limitations of Microsoft Access. Luckily these days there's another viable alternative: MySQL.

Progress Bar Using AJAX: Design Details

The sequence diagram below details the participants on both the client and server needed to provide an AJAX progress bar. The details are explained in further detail in the remainder of this document.

'Tagging' gives Web a human meaning | CNET

If you've been to a technology event recently, especially one with a high concentration of digerati, you may have seen someone stand up and tell everyone what the event's Flickr tag is.

adaptive path » experience attributes: crucial dna of web 2.0

by 7 others
The industry has spent a lot of time defining Web 2.0 and mapping its DNA. But as we attempt to emulate the fast-growth success of the Web 2.0 darlings, we need to zero in on the parts of the DNA that actually create this noteworthy new value.

Ponto Media » O ADN da Web 2.0

O ADN da Web 2.0 A NÃO perder este artigo de Brandon Schauer - Crucial DNA of Web 2.0 - e o .pdf que o acompanha - What put the 2 in Web 2.0? Deixe seu Comentário

Game/AI: Hidden Markov Models

This article introduces hidden Markov models, an inexpensive and intuitive method for modeling stochastic processes.

Ergonomia e usabilidade em advergames — CS:Games

"A Ergonomia, no sistema homem-máquina de computadores, ocorre quando a interface gráfica é apresentada ao seu usuário em uma linguagem que este já esteja adaptado. Com os Advergames o processo é semelhante, antigos comandos de Arcade são utilizados em novos games, mantendo em seu processo de interação a simplicidade que sempre garantiu a usabilidade."

November 2005

no mínimo | .Comportamento | Web 2.0 molda a nova internet

'Mas, como tudo caminha em ciclos, uma hora esse suposto marasmo haveria de dar lugar à retomada do desenvolvimento. Assim, alguns pensadores digitais começaram a definir parâmetros para delimitar melhor essa evolução, chamando este novo estágio da internet de web 2.0. O termo partiu de Dale Doughrty, vice-presidente da O’Reilly Media (, respeitada companhia do segmento de tecnologia, e já está amplamente difundido no meio virtual. Por sinal, “Web 2.0 Conference” ( é o nome do evento da atualidade mais conceituado para a discussão de novas tendências da web, fruto justamente dos conceitos de Dale e Tim O`Reilly – presidente da firma que leva o seu sobrenome."

POPSCI EXCLUSIVE The 11-Year Quest to Create Disappearing Colored Bubbles - Popular Science

"Chemical burns, ruined clothes, 11 years, half a million dollars—it's not easy to improve the world's most popular toy. Yet the success of one inventor's quest to dye a simple soap bubble may change the way the world uses color "