public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp

04 October 2005 15:00

Tutorial e Referência de CSS

Tutorial de CSS em Português de Portugal.

Nova formiga é encontrada com o Google Earth - Terra - Internet

Cientistas da Academia de Ciências da Califórnia identificaram uma nova espécie de formiga graças ao Google Earth. O inseto foi encontrado na Ilha de Madagascar, cadastrado no programa e comparado com as espécies existentes.

Despertador usa quebra-cabeça para acordar - Terra - Eletrônicos

Quando o rel�gio desperta, quatro pe�as saltam no ar. Para desligar o alarme, voc� deve achar as pe�as e junt�-las ao despertador

04 October 2005 14:00

Interactive Fiction nominees available for download from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

There are some tremendous "interactive fictions" (as they're now called) out there in Internet Land, from the re-issue of the classic Hitchhiker's Guilde to the Galaxy to the superb adaptation of Hamlet (which was such a hit that it seems to have overstepped its bandwidth allowance).

Doomed again from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

Doom RPG looks rough - humorously limited even. But it’s a careful, respectful mobile interepretation that actually addresses key issues with mobile gaming and makes the very best of a very limited platform. If only other developers treated their source material so logically, this industry might actually start making the impact it has been promising for five long years.

04 October 2005 03:00

04 October 2005 02:00

IDG Now! Declínio na venda de CDS e aumento na venda pela net

Um decl�nio nos formatos tradicionais de comercializa��o de m�sicas, como o CD, tem sido acompanhado por um salto no mercado de m�sica digital, que cresceu 259% e representou 6% das vendas mundiais da ind�stria no primeiro semestre deste ano.

Gamasutra - GDC 2006's Serious Games Summit Calls for Speakers

The 2006 Serious Games Summit at Game Developers Conference, a gathering of developers who use games for non-entertainment purposes as part of the larger 2006 GDC, has put out a call for speakers for its next meeting at the conference next March. (The GDC, like, is operated by CMP Media.)

Lost Garden: Game Design Review: DS Training for Adults

While we were in Japan earlier this month, Aya’s brother gave her “DS Training for Adults: Work your Brain” (Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju no Nou wo Kitaeru Otona no DS Training). Oni-san, this article is dedicated to you!

Developers Guide to Semantic Web Toolkits for different Programming Languages

This guide collects Semantic Web toolkits for different programming languages and gives an overview about the features of each toolkit, the strength of the development effort and the toolkit's user community.

03 October 2005 20:00

Casuality Europe

Casuality is a conference administered, designed and organized by an independent group of casual game industry professionals to address the specific needs of casual game developers, publishers and distributors. Casuality Europe is one of a series of events, meetings and initiatives planned to facilitate the growth and maturation of the industry through education and community collaboration.

Baixe mais de 20 jogos da Strategy First para teste gratuito de três horas - 03/10/2005 - PC - UOL Jogos

Atrav�s de seu site oficial, a Strategy First est� oferecendo download gratuito de vers�es de teste de mais de 20 jogos. Ap�s fazer baixar o arquivo, o jogador pode testar o game por tr�s horas e, se quiser, compr�-lo online para obter o uso ilimitado

First Ever Wedding Proposal via Search Engine

"I proposed via Ask Jeeves. I brought Yisha to my office, ask her to search on her name. While she was doing that I kneeled behind her with the ring and flowers. She typed in her name into Ask Jeeves, full name, and up came a special Smart Answer (thanks to Jim Lanzone and team) with the proposal."

03 October 2005 17:00

Web 2.0: The Power Behind the Hype

by 2 others
Unwittingly, Paul Rademacher made history by fooling around in his free time. In an act reminiscent of early Reese's candy commercials, Paul married the data from's real estate listings with Google Maps to create an interactive housing viewer. What makes this story real interesting is that this little application has nothing to do with Paul’s real job -- a software engineer for animation company DreamWorks. He just whipped this little application up as a hobby.

Jogos online criam economia e sociedade próprias - Terra - Internet

Emerson Larkin, 23, acaba de faturar 400 d�lares vendendo dois personagens do jogo World of Warcraft, da Blizzard Entertainment, depois de passar quase 75 horas jogando online para desenvolv�-los. Larkin conseguiu ganhar esse dinheiro devido � crescente popularidade dos jogos de role-playing online para m�ltiplos jogadores (conhecidos pela sigla MMPORGS), que agora atraem mais de 20 milh�es de jogadores em todo o mundo. O universo dos jogos coletivos gerou um mercado para personagens virtuais e outras mercadorias criadas online.

Verbix -- conjugate verbs in 100+ languages

by 4 others
WebVerbix is a free on-line verb conjugator. It contains a subset of Verbix for Windows features.

03 October 2005 15:00

:: Último Segundo - Jogo que permite matar políticos a tiros faz sucesso na internet

Duzentas mil pessoas visitaram em tr�s dias o site de uma ag�ncia de publicidade que colocou na internet um jogo em que � poss�vel matar a tiros o pol�tico mais odiado.

03 October 2005 04:00

GROOP.US » Master Thesis about Tagging in Social Networks: Summary and Download - Tagging in Social Networks

by 3 others
You can download our Master Thesis Groups in Social Software: Utilizing Tagging to Integrate Individual Contexts for Social Navigation (PDF, 120 pages, 2MB). Find a summary below. We will release our prototype GROOP.US, soon.

Folha Online - Informática - 92% dos internautas sauditas buscam pornografia na web - 02/10/2005

A maioria dos internautas sauditas --grupo formado por 2,2 milh�es de pessoas-- tentam acessar p�ginas pornogr�ficas na internet, divulgou neste domingo o jornal "Arab News".

03 October 2005 03:00

Dive Into Greasemonkey

by 40 others
Dive Into Greasemonkey

02 October 2005 19:00

Bookmarks sociais - Terra - Internet

Bookmarks sociais Sandra Pecis Multimídia Veja: Clique na imagem para ver o infográfico Veja também: Sites relacionados No terra » Colunas anteriores Externo » Mande um mail para Sandra Pecis Busca Faça sua pesquisa na Internet: Atende pelo curioso nome de um dos sites de maior sucesso da Web atualmente. Trata-se de um bookmark social, ou seja, um sistema de compartilhamento de links. Os usuários cadastrados enviam endereços de notícias, sites e downloads interessantes e tudo mais que está rolando de quente no momento.

Jogo brasileiro de enigma

Millions of games » Free games, updated every day

by 14 others (via)
Millions of Games is the community games site where your MOGS make a difference. You may want to read about the site before you start. MOG is in BETA at present so please be generous with your feedback.