public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp

08 October 2005

Terra Nova: A.O.I.R 6.0

Below I highlighted a few of the MMO/Online game related presentations at AOIR 6.0. Be forewarned that there are many more related papers. Peruse for yourself and feel free (and encouraged) to add and expand in comments.

Chaim Gingold

Recently did the 3rd Indie Game Jam, and talked about Lightweight Prototyping at the 2005 GDC Experimental Gameplay Workshop.

Reality Panic: Everything Bad is Really, Really Freaking Good!

The book makes a very convincing case for how, indeed, popular media (games, movies, TV, the web, etc) have been increasing in complexity over the years, and how that complexity is making us smarter (ie, higher IQ, better problem solving skills, etc). Certainly, as someone who's written on neuroscience, Johnson has the chops (and data) to back up his claims.

WEB2.0 or NOT?

by 4 others
Classifique o site como web2.0 ou não

07 October 2005

06 October 2005

Water Cooler Games - In-Game Ad Studies are Ads for In-Game Ads

Discussão sobre a seriedade e validade das pesquisas sobre propaganda em jogos.

Web 2.0: conferência discute futuro da internet

De onde viemos, o que somos e para onde vamos. Essas e outras quest�es pertinentes sobre a internet vista como neg�cio est�o sendo debatidas e analisadas na confer�ncia Web 2.0

Ajax cria a nova geração de aplicativos online - Terra - Internet

"Atende pelo nome de Ajax o que promete ser uma das pr�ximas revolu��es da Internet. " Finalmente, um artigo sobre Ajax na mídia mais tradicional.

Play The Google Earth Contest

Using Google Earth placemarks and web pages, we've created the world's biggest interactive game.In order to beat the GameMaster, you must follow the clues and utilize the Checkpoint feature to move ahead.Once you've beaten the first GameMaster, you'll advance to the BIG GAME of EARTH CONTEST where you'll compete with other self proclaimed super sleuths for BIG REWARDS!

Ning | Home: Front Page

by 99 others, 1 comment
Ning is a free online service (or, as we like to call it, a Playground) for building and using social applications.Social apps are web applications that enable anyone to match, transact, and communicate with other people.

XMLHttpRequest Usability Guidelines |

by 19 others
XMLHttpRequest is becoming more and more popular, and many people are currently exploring what we could do with it. Unfortunately this also causes people to reinvent old and forgotten usability problems.

04 October 2005

:: Último Segundo - Blogs estimulam aprendizado no Rio Grande do Sul

Na cidade ga�cha Nova Bassano, com 8 mil habitantes, alunos de oitava s�rie, n�vel m�dio e t�cnico est�o melhorando seu rendimento e expandindo suas experi�ncias em sala de aula a partir do uso da tecnologia. O uso de blogs e outras ferramentas tornou-se recorrente, servindo de exemplo para os demais professores da regi�o. A iniciativa � da professora Marli Dagnese, coordenadora do laborat�rio de inform�tica educativa do Col�gio Estadual Padre Colbachini, subordinado ao N�cleo de Tecnologia Educacional (NTE) de Bento Gon�alves.

A List Apart: A List Apart

by 27 others
A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on designing with standards.

Jeni's XSLT Pages: Grouping Using the Muenchian Method

Grouping is a common problem in XSLT stylesheets: how do you take a list of elements and arrange them into groups. Generating Unique IDs and Linking to Them

Identificadores únicos para arquivos XML (útil em relacionamentos)