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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp

04 March 2006

Creating a MySQL connection with PHP/AJAX at John Wiseman

by 5 others (via)
In this tutorial I will explain how to open a mysql database connection using PHP and the all popular AJAX. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the XMLHttpRequest object works within php and the advantages of using it. This tutorial will be the first in a series of articles leading to the development of a fully functional dynamic web events application.

GAME'ON-NA 2006, 2nd International North American Simulation and AI in Computer Games Conference, September 19-21, 2006, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA, Index Page

The aim of the 2nd annual North American Game-On Conference (GameOn'NA 2006) is to bring together academics, researchers and games people from North America in order to exchange ideas on higher-level concepts that contribute to the field of computer gaming research.

Terra Games | Veja 10 RPGs online completamente gratuitos

Nem todos jogos de RPG massivos online são pagos. Existem diversos games MMORPG, como são chamados, completamente gratuitos, necessitando somente que o jogador realize um cadastro no site para ter acesso ao mundo virtual. Fizemos uma seleção dos 10 melhores RPGs online gratuitos para você baixar e jogar.

GameProducer.Net » Blog Archive » Sometimes Programming Is Like Playing an Adventure Game

If sometimes you feel you cannot solve a problem and you feel tired - go to sleep and let your brain solve the problem while at sleep. It just might work.

IndieGameDev :: New Book: Physics for Game Programmers

Physics for Game Programmers shows you how to infuse compelling and realistic action into game programming�even if you don�t have a college-level physics background! Author Grant Palmer covers basic physics and mathematical models and then shows how to implement them, to simulate motion and behavior of cars, planes, projectiles, rockets, and boats. This book is neither code heavy nor language specific, and all chapters include unique, challenging exercises for you to solve. This unique book also includes historical footnotes and interesting trivia. You�ll enjoy the conversational tone, and rest assured: all physics jargon will be properly explained.

Gamers With Jobs Press Pass » Blog Archive » Interview with “Geometry Wars” Creator, Stephen Cakebread

Geometry Wars has been hailed as the “Halo of Xbox Live Arcade” referring to the relative popularity of the game. Intoxicating, frustrating and addictive all in one, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved provides a constant challenge and level of enjoyment, a siren song to gamers enticing them to play just one more game before hitting the sack. More than 200 thousand gamers, roughly a quarter of which actually paid, are currently wearing out their thumbs and roundly cursing one man, whether they know his name or not. That man is Stephen Cakebread, the designer and developer who crafted this gem for Bizarre Creations.

Gamasutra - Designer's Notebook - "Strange Agents Are Profiling Our Games!" Printer Friendly

Oh yeah… competitive analysis. The most boring part of any product discussion. Why talk about somebody else's market share when you could be waxing rhapsodic about your vertex shaders? Trouble is, the publisher wants to know what they'll be going up against before they invest a few million bucks in your game. So one of the first questions they're going to ask when the presentation's over is, "Who do you see as your main competition?" And the next one will be, "What makes you better than them?" And you'd better be ready with the answers, or you're wasting their time.

Strange Agency

Strange Agency develops unique computer game analysis software and essential reports for the computer games industry. Our Strange Analyst software can reduce the cost and risk associated with the research and development of computer games, allowing developers instant access to thousands of detailed computer game profiles to compare their concept against.

The Game Chair » Indigo Prophecy - First Play

Have you ever been curious about a book or movie and picked it up on impulse, despite knowing little to nothing about it, and then been just taken with it? Sometimes not having set expectations before experiencing something just makes you appreciate it that much more. Now, obviously I am talking about “Indigo Prophecy”, a game and not a book or movie, but usually I’m not so loose with my money as to drop it on a game that I have not researched carefully on the Internet. Fortunately, within the first couple minutes of game time I could tell that my 6th sense (game-sense) was still up to snuff.

IGN: The Impact of Violent Videogames

Violent media has existed as long as human history and the debate over how or when to control it is as hotly contested as ever. With the trend towards greater realism and graphic content that began in the 90's, videogames have found themselves the focal point du jour. But how much of an impact have these violent videogames had? We'll take a look at the psychological, political, and economic issues surrounding violent videogames and try to make sense of it all. No matter which side of the fence you sit on this argument, it is important to know the facts.

Gamasutra - PathEngine SDK 5.01 Officially Released

The creators of the PathEngine SDK,a toolkit for implementing intelligent agent movement, based on a 'points of visibility' pathfinding solution implemented over arbitrary 3D ground meshes, have announced the release of V5.01. Key features are pathfinding through overlapping geometry, dynamic obstacle management, and content processing functionality.

Apostas na Web crescem 28% e ultrapassam US$ 10 bi - Terra - Internet

As receitas com apostas na Internet alcançaram US$ 10,9 bilhões no mundo, apesar de esta prática ser ilegal em muitos países, como nos Estados Unidos. De acorodo com a empresa de pesquisa eMarketer, os ingressos mundiais decorrentes das apostas virtuais, descontando o pagamento de ganhadores, aumentaram 28% ano passado.

Mozilla Control

Embed the Mozilla browser engine (Gecko) into any ActiveX application. This control implements the same APIs as the Internet Explorer control making porting of existing applications reasonably straightforward.

APHID Parallel Game-Tree Search Library

APHID is an acronym for Asycnhronous Parallel Hierarchical Iterative Deepening. The APHID game-tree search algorithm attempts to accomplish many goals: * to test out the viability of asynchronous search methods for parallel alpha-beta based search. * to develop an algorithm that works well across all hardware platforms and applications. * to implement a tool that can be easily inserted into legacy sequential search algorithms.

:: Último Segundo - Software corresponde a 64% do comércio ilegal no País

Estima-se que 64% do comércio ilegal praticado no País hoje seja de produtos da área de software. O assunto será tema de um seminário da Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual, em São Paulo, no mês de abril, no auditório da Fiesp. As informações são de O Estado de S.Paulo/Sonia Racy.

ASPN : Python Cookbook : Sudoku Solver using a 3D-metaphor

This script views a sudoku problem as a 3-dimensional binary cube. It solves the sudoku problem by wiping away x,y,z points from this cube until the solution appears. » Interface Gestual Multi-Toque

Esta nova tecnologia permite ir mais além do que os actuais ecrãs tácteis onde se pode apenas “tocar” ou “clicar”. Num ecrã Multi-Toque é possível desenhar, arrastar, aumentar ou diminuir os objectos. No futuro, estes interfaces poderão alterar completamente a forma como interagimos com os computadores. - Books

This is a non-exhaustive list of recommended books. New titles might be added to the list in the future. Books are organized by general subject (Technical Books, Game Design, Game Studies and related subjects) and, within subject, by no particular order.

Japanese gamers vote on top 100 games of all time - Idle Forums

1. Final Fantasy X (2001) 2. Final Fantasy VII (1997) 3. Dragon Quest III (1988) 4. Dragon Quest VIII (2004) 5. Machi (1998) 6. Final Fantasy IV (1991) 7. Tactics Ogre (1995) 8. Final Fantasy III (1990) 9. Dragon Quest VII (2000) 10. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

gamepolitics: Why DDR is A-OK in WVA

GamePolitics and other news sources have reported on West Virginia's efforts to combat childhood obesity with Konami's Dance Dance Revolution. DDR is being used in the state as a supplement to school health and phys-ed courses.

27 February 2006