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PUBLIC MARKS from bacon with tag firefox

September 2008

August 2008

bloco com flash não abre no firefox

[quote sitecite=modules/d3forum/index.php?post_id=97981] citando drobservador: obrigado. ei! :-o esqueci de te perguntar se o flash está funcionando normalmente no seu navegador. se estiver, é possível que o problema esteja em uma das opções mostradas na criação do bloclo. verifique se apenas a opção html está habilitada (desabilite quebra de linha automática, emoticons e xoops codes). acho até mais provável que seja isso. :-d

bloco com flash não abre no firefox

preciso de uma ajuda. criei um bloco personalizado para exibir um slideshow em flash, que está funcionado perfeitamente, mas no firefox o bloco fica em branco e o player não carrega. oi! esse problema não tem a ver com o xoops, mas sim com a falta de um componente flash para a sua instalação do firefox.

July 2008

bloco com flash não abre no firefox

preciso de uma ajuda. criei um bloco personalizado para exibir um slideshow em flash, que está funcionado perfeitamente, mas no firefox o bloco fica em branco e o player não carrega. segue o html do bloco: <pre></pre><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center"><tbody><tr><td align="center"></td> </tr></tbody></table> agradeço ajuda.

Hands on 12 quick hacks for Firefox 3 - LinuxWorld

Firefox 3 has been out for two weeks now, so get with the program It s time to hack it. The newest version of Mozilla s browser has plenty of new features, including the site identification button, the Bookmarks Library and what has become known as the 34 Awesome Bar 34 -- and I ll show you how to hack them all.

Customize Google search engine for better relevant results

When you search Google for a specific narrow result,you will may find unwanted results,sponsored ads or other unknown sites but if you want the right results which meets your search keyword then you have to add some easy different operators and quotes ...

Firefox 3 sets the Guinness record today!

Firefox announced the launch of its third edition browser and 20 days ago they had a download Firefox day so that they could make a Guinness record for being the Most download software in a single day! And Obviously it was a convincing easy achievement...

How to integrate email client in your firefox 3 browser

As we know e-mail clients are applications which enables us to read email offline from the  desktop using POP/IMAP technologies.The main advantage in using e-mail client is that you can save it on your computer and print it conveniently but if you...

June 2008

How to get Maximum Internet surfing security

Their are thousands of websites spread all over the Internet which provides spyware,virus and other invisible harmful things.If you are searching for a software to download or if you are purchasing any item from unknown sites using your credit card,do ...

Download Stable Firefox 3 and Firefox 3.1 alpha browser now

Finally Firefox 3 browser is uploaded to the ftp by the Mozilla firefox team .Mozilla need to create a world record for this third edition browser,You can download Firefox 3 now but it will not be counted towards the record attempt.1.4 million users ha...

Firefox addons to enhance your browsing experience

A true fan of firefox browser will always look for addons which will make surfing and other chores really easy.Their are thousands of useful firefox addons spread all over the Internet and is it hard to use all of them,but here are two firefox addons w...

Firefox 3 Hack : Get old style address bar

Firefox beta 3 browser has address bar which doubles when you type something,i.e it shows all your bookmarks and history  when you type any word in address bar.Though this is the best feature of firefox 3 but it annoys sometimes and provides irrel...

May 2008

Firefox needs to go to Guinness.Help them!

Spread Firefox are on the verge to create a new Guinness record.For this they need our help! All we need to do is download the latest Firefox 3 on that particular date.What’s the date ? Well official date for the launch of Firefox 3 will be pos...

Dicionário pt_BR do BROffice utilizado como extensão Firefox

O mesmo dicionário do BR Office é usado nesta extensão, são quase 9 milhões de palavras para você nunca mais escrever errado. Firefox dicionário: pt_BR; get-geo: Search physical locality of an IP/Host; amr2mp3: In amr files, out mp3 files.

February 2008

Save Time Online: Track your browsing habits and Limit distracting sites

8aweek - Save Time Online | Home: Track your browsing habits and Limit distracting sites