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PUBLIC MARKS from avoidscamsonline with tags technology & electronics

May 2010

Fujitsu's curved plasma displays make Roman columns look a little...

by 3 others
What, your plasma display is flat? How very quaint! Fujitsu would like to make you feel a little less adequate by showing you the wonder that is a curved PDP, seen here stretched around a column for the sake of providing digital signage. Yes, it's per...

Get Paid to Play Video Games - Video Games Testers Job Guide

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Do you have the desire to be Paid to Test Video Games? Do you want to receive free sample of video games to play before they are released. Then you’ve come to the right place for a guide on these gets paid to test video games. Everyday video game...

April 2010

IR-detecting OLED film could mean cheap night vision on everything

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Night vision , once the exclusive property of military special forces and dreadlock'd aliens, has over the past few years become far more accessible for the everyman -- even everymen with small pockets . But, we could be on the verge of a green-screen...

Lenovo ThinkPad Mini 10 lives, but only for Aussie students

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If you've been dying to get your hands on a ThinkPad netbook -- and we mean a real Atom-based, 10-inch ThinkPad -- we've got some good news and bad. The good is that Lenovo has indeed been making them, the bad is that you'll have to enroll in a school...

Panasonic's TY-CC10W webcam joins Skype, HDTVs mostly because it can

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Panasonic is back with more information on its four-mic packing HDTV camera accessory , the TY-CC10W. Skype friends who would like to see your living room without actually visiting can take a peek in either 30fps VGA or 720p/22fps h.264 encoded stream...

Enso's zenPad is vaporware, get refunds while they last

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Did you order a Enso zenPad ? If so, you'll be happy to hear that the company has decided on a concrete release date; its website is now ticking down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until May 8th, when Enso claims they'll finally ship the rebrand...

Sanyo's DMX-CG100 and DMX-GH1 camcorders do 1080p up in here

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Another day, another little camcorder that can fill up memory cards quick with 1080p on tap. Sanyo's DMX-CG100 (pictured) and DMX-GH1 can record 30fps progressively at 12Mbps, or 60 at 16Mbps if you don't mind interlacing, through 5x optical zoom lens...

Orange Music puts PC into guitar amp -- ours is not to reason why

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Now this is an interesting one. Classic British amp maker Orange Music had a bit of a surprise behind its booth at the 2010 Musikmesse show. The O PC is, well, a guitar amp and a PC rolled into one convenient package. We didn't catch the processor, bu...

Towers Toys – Fun and Creativity Blend Together

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 Toys have always been the best friends for a child. A childhood is hard to imagine without the dear company of toys. Time has changed the definition of toys. Gone are the days when a rubber ball or local football would attract us so much that we ...

Spicing Up a Couple's Life With Male and Woman Sex Toys

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 You often hear people talk about spicing up their love life. This is in fact the core principle of the different types of woman sex toys and male sex toys. In case you feel the need of some sort of variation in your sex practices and you do not e...

Using Traditional Toy Boxes

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 We have probably all had a toy box of some kind or another when we were growing up. Memories of keeping all of our favorite toys in a special box and dragging that box out for some Saturday afternoon fun on the living room floor are probably stil...

Video Game Design - Do You Have What It Takes To Design Games?

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 If you’re an avid video gamer and while sitting at home playing your favorite game, you think to yourself, “I could do this better”, video game design might be the perfect job for you someday. But there are some key skills you&#...

March 2010

5 Tips to Purchase Video Games

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 The Video games industry is one of the fastest going markets in the USA. In USA people are more conscious about the selection of the games. 
 The games are available online as well as from the local retailers. You must have to follow the step...

Have Wooden Toys Had Its Time?

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 Nowadays, parents tend to buy toys made of plastic or other materials to their children because most of the time, these toys are more interesting compared to the much simpler wooden toys. Modern toys can do so many things because most often than ...

Video Gaming Goes To Brand New Heights

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 With all the advancements in technology, video games and video gaming systems have changed over the past couple of decades. In fact, if children today were given the very first video gaming system that hit the market they would most definitely th...

XpanD X103 3D glasses universally compatible with 3DTVs, but not all...

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During CES 2010. RealD managed to slide its 3D glasses in with most of the new televisions coming our way this year, but XpanD is continuing its promise to work with any IR-enabled set from any manufacturer (Samsung has already stated its glasses will...

Dead iPad battery? Never mind replacing it, Apple just sends another...

by 3 others
Whoa, Nelly! Isn't this something? Apple has just posted details on its iPad battery replacement service, which is really not a battery replacement service at all. Check out the company's opening line: "If your iPad requires service due to the battery...

Microsoft loses second Word patent appeal, on the hook for $240...

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And the intellectual property rollercoaster continues. The BBC is reporting that Microsoft's second appeal against a judgment granting $240 million in damages due to content in Word that infringed on patents held by i4i was today rejected, leaving the...

Want more on the PlayStation Move? Head over to Joystiq!

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Sony's calling the PlayStation Move the "next generation" of motion gaming and planning to market it as heavily as an entirely new console, so it's sort of a big deal -- and that means our main dudes at Joystiq are all over it. We've already covered t...

Benefits Of Cheat Codes Used With Video Games

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 Video game cheat codes are designed to give gamers an added advantage in particular video games, which enables them to give their video game character infinite health, special abilities, or other necessary advantages that helps them to advance to...

Platogo Lets Developers Make Their Casual Games Facebook Ready

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Platogo , the social games platform , has released its Platogo Wrapper that enables casual games developers to easily integrate their games with Facebook by inserting a few lines of code. Essentially, it lets any casual game take advantages of the bas...

Video Games Get The Final Votes

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 Have you ever thought to yourself what makes a good video game? Strong visuals and good controls are essential as well as well crafted concepts. Great video games have feeling, surprise, emotion, interaction, and even addiction and the final vote...

what do the electronics of the steering column for a 1991 geo storm consist of?

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I have a 1991 Geo Storm. It’s been out of commission for a couple years and my mother gave it to me and my boyfriend to fix and drive. My step dad says that the problem with the car is the steering column. I bought a steering column and my step d...

Your iPod May Have Been Made By A 15-Year-Old

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Security concerns spread as Chile quake death toll rises Heavily populated parts of Chile still were without water service and electricity Sunday night because of Saturday’s 8.8-magnitude earthquake, and reports of looting raised fears about secu...

February 2010

Virgin Media returns a strong quarter - Techwatch

by 3 others
Daily Mail Virgin Media returns a strong quarterTechwatchThe cable, broadband and phone provider Virgin Media has announced that it added 34200 new cable TV subscribers during the last quarter, taking the provider's total market share to over 3...

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