public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from antoniomokarzel

05 January 2007

Slate Magazine

by 15 others
Current events, news, politics, culture, and more.

Dan Saffer

Interaction Designer

04 January 2007

XML Pitstop

by 4 others
Largest Source of XML Examples on the Web

Thinking XML: The XML decade

Thoughts on IBM Systems Journal's retrospective of XML at ten years (or so)

Improving an XML feed display through CSS and XSLT

by 5 others
XML feeds, though useful, are boring to look at in a browser because they are simple XML files. It's possible though to make them easier on the eye, and in this article we'll look at two ways of doing that. First, we'll use simple CSS properties to format


by 4 others
XML Tools, XML Articles and XML Learning Tutorials

DivX SubTitles

by 8 others, 1 comment
Best place on the net for DivX and DVD subtitles!

02 January 2007


AviSub is an freeware tool that can mux up to three [srt/sub/txt(microdvd) or vobsubs] subtitle streams on an avi file.

28 December 2006


Suporte Oficial no Brasil

XoopsTotal - A comunidade diferente!

XOOPS é um sistema de código aberto (open source) que permite a administradores criarem sites com conteúdo dinâmico facilmente com conteúdo excelente e diversas funcionalidades incomparáveis.

27 December 2006

XOOPS Paraná

by 1 other
Oficialmente Livre para crescer!!!


Suporte Oficial do XOOPS no Brasil

Livraria do Crime

A livraria de literatura policial e de suspense do Brasil


Outsource Affiliate Program Management Specialists

Crime Library

Crime stories on serial killers, the mafia, terrorists, spies, assassins and gangsters

20 December 2006

Stephan Spencer's Scatterings

A Web Marketing Blog & SEO, Email Marketing...

Hemmings Motor News

by 1 other
Auto Classifieds - Hemmings Auto Classifieds feature cars for sale nation wide.


Restaurant Travel Guide Top Restaurants Best Hotels Reviews Lifestyle Spas

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