public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from alphoenix with tag data

August 2010

Digging Into On-Time Figures for New York Trains -

By official accounts, 2009 was a banner year for the commuter railroads that serve New York City. Of all the trains that ran last year, the railroads said, nearly 96 percent were on time — one of the best performances since they began keeping records.

May 2010

Du taux d'usage de Foursquare | Clement vouillon

Foursquare publie régulièrement des chiffres pour nous démontrer sa bonne santé, les derniers paliers importants en date étant le million d’inscrits et plus de 40 millions de check-in depuis son lancement. Néanmoins ils restent assez fermés (et c’est plutôt normal) sur le taux d’utilisation, le nombre de membres actifs, les stats par users etc… Je me posais donc la question de l’utilisation réelle du réseau social géoloc et vais tenter d’y apporter une ébauche de réponse dans cet article.

April 2010

everydata lab

atelier de recherche sur les nouveaux médias numériques fondé par christophe cariou : docteur en économie, chercheur freelance, professeur associé à sciences po de rennes, directeur du master management des médias écrits

February 2010

November 2009

Flare | Data Visualization for the Web

by 10 others
Flare is an ActionScript library for creating visualizations that run in the Adobe Flash Player. From basic charts and graphs to complex interactive graphics, the toolkit supports data management, visual encoding, animation, and interaction techniques. Even better, flare features a modular design that lets developers create customized visualization techniques without having to reinvent the wheel.

October 2009

oostring/weblog » Roadtrip poster final

This poster (800×1000mm) was designed to summarize and explain the summer holiday of 2009: a roadtrip/ moving house expedition undertaken by my partner Marthe and I, from Norway to England and back. It started as a tool for keeping track of costs, but was developed into a full trip overview as more details were added. Key data such as cost, distance and time are presented in various ways to create a rich data log.

The wraps come off! - Archive - The Dextrous Web

The site is a blend of the US’s equivalent,, and Directgov | Innovate. It’s got a listing of available data packages, powered by the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network, and user-generated lists of apps and new ideas. This is just right: the data you need, combined with a way to promote the things you make and a place to get ideas if you’ve got itchy typing fingers but lack inspiration.

September 2009

Time of Crisis

by 3 others
Une chronologie de la crise.

August 2009

July 2009

Terre Natale (Exits 2) | Stewdio

Le projet Terre Natale de Virillo sous forme de visualisation.


by 6 others
Daytum was conceived in 2008 by Ryan Case and Nicholas Felton as a way of creating an elegant and intuitive way to count and communicate the personal statistics generated by each of us every day.

June 2009

alphoenix's TAGS related to tag data

blog +   collection +   communautez +   Foursquare +   geolocalisation +   google +   government +   information +   internet +   journalisme +   mashup +   news +   économie +   roadtrip +   statistics +   train +   transports +   uk +   usa +   visualization +   webdesign +   websearch +